Terokai Ulasan Tetamu Hotel di Hunan

Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Peach Blossom Hot Springs Resort Hunan
4.8/51243 Ulasan
房間設施齊全,有小度小度語音智能,面積大,有陽台可以看風景,這個季節房間即使不開暖風也很暖和。有毛巾疊的造型擺放🌹花瓣。 衞生:乾淨,洗漱用品是歐舒丹。 環境:交通方便,下高速就到了,有地面地下停車場,酒店依山而建,很有規模。 服務:服務有專門管家,有需求隨時聯繫和解決,餐廳服務員特別好。入住酒店送温泉票。有便利擺渡車。 有一點小建議,迎賓水果可以送新鮮些的,有壞果就不要送了,影響整體品質。入住當天恰逢週末,來自各方賓客扶老攜幼,人潮湧動,各抒己見,難免夜晚吵鬧聲不絕於耳。酒店的早餐種類繁多,就是就餐人的需求參差不齊,食物浪費嚴重,酒店應該有所提示,提醒,規勸。浪費可恥!
Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Hot Springs Fenghuang
4.8/51672 Ulasan
The hotel is very good with a nice big clean room. It provides shuttle bus service every hour between 7:30 am to 14:30 pm from hotel to train station. But no pick up service. The staffs are friendly and helpful. The problem is its location. Me and my friend arrived at train station after 6pm. There is no taxi waiting for you. We waited for 30 minutes and finally shared the taxi with another 2 people. After checking in , we had problem to find a taxi to go to the center of ancient town. Although the staff helped us to call the taxi , it took about 45 minutes for the taxi to arrive. If you can have enough time or you have car, I recommend you to stay here. Otherwise, I suggest you to stay in the center of town.
Mangshan Forest Hot Spring Hotel
4.6/55047 Ulasan
Hotel is close by Mang Shan National park. Very convenient location to visit this famous National Park. This hotel is very well maintained with good amenities and staff are friendly and supportive. The restaurant manager Li Xiao Yan 李晓燕is a very professional staff and serves the customers full of passion. She sought to understand our needs and help to select the best dishes for us ( not really expensive dishes). We have very delicious and enjoyable dining and unforgettable experience. Really appreciated for her services and customer oriented mind set. This hotel is also offering a no. of well designed hot springs with beats views. After hot spring bathing, can also enjoy fruit bar ( free), reading books ! An interesting and unique hot spring experience
Phoenix Xueqingji Humanity Banshan Homestay (Phoenix Ancient City Branch)
4.7/5817 Ulasan
Fabulous stay at Snowy & Sunny home stay. Staff are all very friendly n helpful. We r served with ginger tea at checkin n checkout. Also served with warm milk in the evening. Very thoughtful gesture. We were also given detailed instruction of how to tour the old town area n where best to take photographs. Location is abt 1-2km outside of old town area, but there is free shuttle bus that took us there. We were upgraded to a suite. Huge bedroom n living room n bathroom. Spacious n clean n very tasteful decor. Breakfast consisted of noodles, congee, dumplings, soybean milk n fruit. Very yummy. Highly recommended home stay!! 👍👍👍
YANYU ·YUNXI|Humanistic Wabi-Sabi Aesthetic Designer • Jiangjing Private Hot Spring Resort Hotel
4.7/5900 Ulasan
This place has a few things going for it. The rooms are pretty nice, practicality of a large bath/small pool in the room that takes a lifetime to fill notwithstanding. Pretty good view of the river The location suits those who like to be close to the action, but not right in the middle of it. If you want to see the town without being overwhelmed the moment you step out of your hotel, this place is ideal.And the staff is super friendly and helpful. It does suffer from the fact that some of the amenities seem to have been largely forgotten. Solid stay, but if you look closely, there may be a few rough edges.
4.8/536 Ulasan
來談一下我跟朋友國慶期間入住的體驗。民宿的配套設施,屋內的結構、房間大小規格跟圖片上還是相符的,下面我要來説説服務跟體驗感。 我們是下午2點左右抵達民宿,開車上坡後就有2個分叉路口,標識(←接待中心、客房→)那個時候前台並不是很忙,我微信上諮詢也沒見回覆,我就打了前台電話告知要先前往接待中心辦理入住(1:個人認為這些細節應該在客人確定入住後第一時間以文字的形式把流程告知給客人而不是踩着剎車在坡上等你們客服微信消息),入住辦理的過程中收取了500元按金這個合理合規沒有問題,因為接待大廳跟客房是分開2個方向,所以我們又跟着前台的車子前往客房,停好車後,前台也看見我們有2位女士,大包小包並沒有主動上前幫忙拿行李,甚至房間的門都是用手指着告知我們是那個門,這都算了,畢竟都是女士,我們也能提得動。然後我們在房間整理一下後,就想着下午的餐食跟前台要了菜單後,我們告知他們晚上7點用餐,菜品也一併告知,我又主動諮詢前台下午還有什麼節目,於是前台就發了張圖片下午的節目表給我們,我們就自行走動,周邊逛逛看一看,到了飯點的時間應該6點45左右我們前往了餐廳,告知前台我們已經來了,可以上菜了。前台的回覆是我們沒有預訂,於是乎我拿出了微信聊天記錄給他們確定後我們在2樓露台區等待用餐,在此期間,我朋友已經在樓下付款了2杯美式和晚餐費用,我在吃完餐後用微信溝通要求買單結賬,他們給我發來了金額跟二維碼,我付款成功後告訴了我朋友餐費金額,我朋友還納悶我咋知道的晚餐多少錢?我説我買單了啊!她説她已經付過款了,我們就繼續聊天用餐直到吃得差不多準備走下樓跟前台去追討重複繳納的餐費。 前台小姐姐並沒有第一時間認識到自己的服務出了問題,只是第一時間告知今天客人較多,而且還説我們的桌號牌有從03桌挪動到05桌。可是我和朋友從上露台到用完餐一直沒動過桌號牌,一直在05號桌。前台人員還在説是別的客人動的,那麼我就想問問:既然你們知道這個的問題出現過並且後會造成誤會,為何沒在第一時間想辦法處理。比如:在客人下單後,你們在上餐具時就可以在系統裏標註桌號,或將桌號牌做成固定的不能隨意移動。 還有重複收費怎麼衹重複收取了晚餐的費用,咖啡是同時點的,同時付款的為何又沒被重複收費呢?不知酒店是否用的是兩個收費系統。總之,管理混亂,而且製作咖啡的太慢了,點單時只有我點了兩杯咖啡,沒有其他客人點單,客人是站在前台等候這兩杯來之不易的咖啡。如客人點單較多,這樣的速度能有好的服務嗎?! 晚餐我們點的蔬菜是油麥菜,但服務員上的是清炒芽白,並説他們沒有油麥菜都上了芽白,我能理解因國慶客人較多,配貨不足,臨時改單,但做為消費者自己點的菜被更換了,不應該在第一時由酒店與我們溝通商量嗎? 第二天,我們把房間打掃乾淨,我朋友連垃圾都幫他們清理到了一起,7.40左右我們收拾完前往接待中心用早餐並且退房,我在回去的路上,大概10點20左右我突然覺得退房的時候好像還有個按金500元衹字未提,按照我以往入住民宿的情況應該是退房後通知保潔員進行清掃檢查後第一時間退還按金,我當時在開車,我付按金的時候是用微信付款的,退按金的是來自於短訊,我就沒有注意看短訊,我就直接微信問的前台退按金,我説了一句你們民宿從不主動,都要問、都要催,他們的回覆也很不客氣,説因為要等保潔打掃完房間,然後我們在處理退按金,不可能您剛退房間,保潔還沒有打掃我們就把按金退回,那我們收按金就沒有任何意義了,互相理解一下,這是他們給我的回覆,我説我7.40退的房,現在10.19分,我還要等保潔打掃完?你們不應該第一時間處理嗎?這個客服就找很多理由説什麼這幾天都滿房,退房都是一批一批的,一般一個房間打掃完都要四五十分鐘,敢問一下你們滿房不滿房,我是在平台上看不見嗎?你們所謂的一批一批打掃難道客人都是軍事化管理在你們同意的時間內集體退房?還跟我説一間房子要打掃40—50分鐘。對,打掃的那麼仔細就是沒看見我床頭下面的一根和天下的煙,最後聊了半天,客服問我哪個房間。我呵呵的笑了,從我還沒入住起,我就備註了你們,你們卻沒有備註客人!你們客服所有的説辭都是在找藉口跟理由,這種價位的民宿客服的敬業精神真的有待好好培訓提高。
Sun Valley Ecological Park
4.6/545 Ulasan
My parents' favorite hotel during our trip, although it is the cheapest. The hotel area is big. Room is big and proper. Hot spring is included. Service is amazing. The view from the room is great. The food is organic.
Dolton Changsha Spa Hotel
4.7/5707 Ulasan
There are no non-smoking rooms. I booked a non-smoking room but the front desk agent informed me all rooms are smoking rooms. So assume every room smells and has a dusting of years of cigarette smoke on the carpet.
Huitang Huatian City Hot Spring Resort Hotel
4.7/51448 Ulasan
工作人員都比較熱情,房間裏還有浴缸,房間比較大,小朋友玩的很開心,房間唯一對我們家長説美中不足的就是不喜歡睡太軟的床。 温泉比較大,池子較多,人也比較多,不知道平時會不會少一點。 同時因為房間套票衹能去2次温泉,對於小朋友來説有一點不夠啊,每次怕他玩太久對身體不好。 整體來説還是挺滿意的。
4.7/558 Ulasan
我很少寫評價,但這次入住的體驗實在是太好了! 我們遊覽完莽山五指峯景區後,入住了莽山這家特色民宿。民宿除了有帶寬敞大陽台的房間外,還為客人準備了設計別具一格的獨棟木屋以供挑選。我們最終選定了名為「望山」的小木屋,在這裏躺在床上,也能看到遠處的山景和美麗的黃昏景色。 木屋之外設有日式小亭園,並且配備了一個户外泡浴缸。在此處,我們盡情享受着温泉水帶來的愜意與舒緩,身心頓感輕鬆愉悦。 這裏還有一遍小竹林,可以讓人客一邊欣賞鄉村美景,一邊品嚐咖啡或茶,享受悠閑的時光。可惜天氣有點冷,我們未能享受。 這裏設有一處休閑空間,住客可以在此品茶、閒聊或用餐。晚上,我們在這裏點了幾道農家菜,有蒸魚、燜鴨及炒清菜,非常好吃,彷彿有回到家裡的感覺。 晚上,這裏的光害不大,我和家人都可以清晰地欣賞到在夜空中閃爍的星星,為我們這次旅程增添一抹浪漫與神祕。

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Maklumat Perjalanan Tempatan

Bilangan Hotel36
Bilangan Ulasan18,906
Harga Purata (Hari Bekerja)RM 1,021
Harga Purata (Hujung Minggu)RM 1,072