I so want to say good stuff here.....but I may struggle. In fact, I know I will. I arrived but couldn't get in the 'Entry' as a bus was parked over the entrance waiting for some random rugby team to come out of the hotel (which they had no intention of doing). I finally got through via the 'Exit' having negotiated the cars that were leaving. I told the lovely lady on reception about it but she kinda shrugged her shoulders and smiled. The welcome was very warm and genuine though. I got my key for room 118 but left before going to the room as I was a bit late to an event. I came back at 5pm. I entered the room and immediately felt 'sad'. It was all just a bit crap and incredibly cold. The ceiling was Artex and had cobwebs on it, the carpet was simply rank - full of stains whilst a stained mat had been placed over some of it to cover the stains below it. The artistic hanging baskets with fake plants were wonky and some of the furniture (all of it old) had been painted in green but certain parts were missed. The cheap drapes weren't anchored to the wall and when you pulled them you could still see outside - and the neighbours could see in (as I found out when I exited the shower). The toilet bowl was black at the bottom and mirror in the bedroom etched with marks. The room smelled like my Nanas house - slightly damp and all a bit old. The bed was kind of comfy but the duvet cover was polyester and I really didn't want it touching me. In the middle of the night I felt a couple of things run over my face - maybe it was the ants I saw on the bench by the fridge...I don't know but either way I didn't sleep much - in between hearing a young couple kissing in the garden and the man snoring loudly in the room next to me. There is NO sound proofing here. There was even a huge gap under my door and the light and noise from the corridor wafted in all night. The ironing board was old and munted and the iron itself had exposed wires. Both belong in the bin. Actually the entire room does. No wifi code in room but I got it when I went back to reception ask - all good :). I should have been worried when I read signs in the hall that stated if you party loudly there will be an $85 fine when the police get called out to shut you down. On a positive note, the shower was hot and there was good water pressure and the bathroom mostly clean. I also think the staff are very nice. However, even they can't save this disaster - in fact the hotel is doing both them and Wanganui a disservice. In all my travels and in all my reviews on this platform I haven't encountered a hotel more in need of demolition than this one. Other than the staff nothing here is redeemable. The rooms and corridors are oddly shaped, in disrepair, dark, cold, damp and plain miserable. As a businessman I wish all businesses well and I fully appreciate how hard hospitality is, yet this is one entity that has been in clear decline for some time and a decision needs to made. Someone please be brave,
57 Ulasan