Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona Train Tickets from 0

Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona Train Tickets from 0

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Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona Train Prices and Times

Use Trip.com to purchase tickets from Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona. To get more discounts, consider buying split tickets. Additionally, booking in advance is a good option.

  • Sat, Mar 22
  • Sun, Mar 23
  • Mon, Mar 24
  • Tue, Mar 25
  • Wed, Mar 26
  • Thu, Mar 27
  • Fri, Mar 28
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Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona Train Route Details

The earliest departure time from Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona is 09:41, and the latest departure time is 16:15. The lowest price is typically 0. You can refer to our route information table to plan your train journey in advance.

First train
First train
Last train
Last train
Departure station
Departure station
Arrival station
Arrival station
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Journey time
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Train Operators

Spanish train offers

Renfe offers many discounts for travellers on AVE, AVE International, Avant, and Cercanías trains, providing exclusive benefits on various routes. Limited availability and subject to train routes, times, and conditions.
Spanish train offers

Advance booking

Save up to 70% on Renfe AVE Básico tickets by booking 3 months ahead. Trip.com shows detailed fare lists. By planning your travel in advance, you can take advantage of these significant discounts and enjoy a more budget-friendly journey.

Renfe Young Persons Fare

Renfe offers up to 30% off train fares for young people aged 14 to 25 with the Más Renfe Joven Card, which costs €50. The card is valid for a year and is non-transferable. With this scheme, you can enjoy a 30% discount on AVE and AVE International trains, or a 25% discount on Avant, Cercanías, and Rodalies trains.

Renfe Children Fare

Renfe offers 40% off ticket fares for children under 14. Children are able to choose seats on AVE, AVE International, and Avant trains, and to make changes or refunds based on the ticket type chosen, although this may incur a fee. Children under four years old travel for free but are not permitted a reserved seat and must sit on the lap of an adult passenger. Please note that, on Cercanías trains, the age limit for free travel without a seat is under six years old.

Renfe Disabled People Fare

Renfe's discounts for disabled people offer up to 40% off, though you will need to spend €6 on a Tarjeta Dorada, which allows you to travel on AVE, Avant, and Cercanías trains for one year. Please note that the discount on Avant trains is greater on weekends. If you wish to refund or change your ticket, it will depend on the type of ticket chosen and may incur a fee.

Renfe Spanish Large Families Fare

Renfe provides discounts for large families in Spain, offering 20% for general category families and 50% for special category families on most train services, including AVE (high-speed) and Larga Distancia (long-distance) trains. However, these discounts do not apply to AVE International, Avant, or Cercanías trains. For single-parent families, discounts are valid only on Rodalies trains in Catalonia when using the relevant certificate issued by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Onboard Renfe trains from Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona

Renfe trains, particularly AVE models, offer four service categories based on fare options, ensuring convenience for all passengers. The seating arrangements include Standard for Básico and Elige Estándar fares, and XL Comfort for Elige Confort and Prémium fares.

AVE trains feature high-speed WiFi, power outlets, and allow up to three bags per passenger. Standard seats are suitable for regular commuters or budget-conscious travelers, offering a quiet coach for rest, reading, or work. Onboard dining includes a cafeteria and a food trolley.

XL Comfort seats cater to those seeking extra comfort, with wider seats and more legroom. Prémium ticket holders can also enjoy the Premium Menu at their seat and access to snacks and drinks in the station's waiting room.

Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona Renfe ticket types

Choose from four fare types to travel from Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona, listed by price from lowest to highest: Básico, Elige Estándar, Elige Confort, and Prémium. Each fare type offers different levels of refund and change services.

Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona Renfe ticket types


For the most budget-friendly option on AVE trains, choose Básico, though it does not permit refunds or changes.

Elige Estándar

On AVE trains, the Elige Estándar fare costs slightly more than the Básico fare. This ticket type allows for 70% refunds, one free ticket change and includes many extra paid services.

Elige Confort

Elige Confort, which is marginally more expensive than Elige Estándar, features wider seats and allows for refunds and changes.


The Prémium fare is the most costly, offering the benefit of unlimited free changes and refunds, and XL Confort Seating.

How to buy cheap Spanish train tickets

  • Book in Advance

    Book in Advance

    Booking 60-90 days in advance can get you cheaper Renfe train tickets, available for you to plan your itinerary.

  • Buy a Return ticket

    Buy a Return ticket

    A Return ticket includes both the outward and returning journeys, cheaper than buying two separate single tickets.

  • Consider Básico or Inicial ticket types

    Consider Básico or Inicial ticket types

    Renfe's Básico, iryo's Inicial or Ouigo trains, can give you the cheapest price accordingly.
  • Use Trip.com discounts

    Use Trip.com discounts

    Frequently offers promotions and discounts.

Why Book Train Tickets With Trip.com?

  • Authorised Ticket Vendor for Renfe

    Authorised Ticket Vendor for Renfe

    Renfe AVE, iryo, and Ouigo high-speed trains

  • No booking fees in App

    No booking fees in App

    Only pay for your train travel – no hidden fees on your Mieres Del Camin to Tarragona journey

  • Cross-border trains

    Cross-border trains

    Spain domestic and cross-border trains to France and Portugal

  • Online Customer Service

    Online Customer Service

    Prompt online assistance for your convenience