Palmengartenstraße 11, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
What travelers say:
I went to eat again last night. I didn’t like to eat. I fell in love with green bean rice. It’s really good. The CD is the sweet and salty pork ribs. It means that I like it all. It is more greasy with apricot mushrooms and salad. The low-temperature beef salad is also my must! Black truffle chips are also quite good. The cold steak feels normal. After the meal, an ice cream is perfect.
Reviews of Restaurant Lafleur
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I went to eat again last night. I didn’t like to eat. I fell in love with green bean rice. It’s really good. The CD is the sweet and salty pork ribs. It means that I like it all. It is more greasy with apricot mushrooms and salad. The low-temperature beef salad is also my must! Black truffle chips are also quite good. The cold steak feels normal. After the meal, an ice cream is perfect.
Perfect lunch! The restaurant is behind the palm garden and you can enjoy the view from the restaurant as I saw in the early spring. I chose a great value working lunch with 4 courses, not only attracted by the food, but also the mix of flavors, ingredients and dishes. Lunch didn't eat much, just perfect, this meal is great.
#创作激励计划瓜分万元现金 🌈知名特色:位于法兰克福棕榈花园内的 Restaurant Lafleur 是一家米其林二星餐厅,以其精致的现代法式料理和独特的食材搭配闻名。餐厅环境优雅静谧,与周围的绿色植物和花卉完美融合,犹如在自然中享受一场美食盛宴🌸。🍽️推荐菜品:•蓝龙虾配柠檬酱汁🦞:这道海鲜主打菜肴采用新鲜的蓝龙虾,搭配清新柠檬酱汁,虾肉鲜美细嫩,柠檬的酸甜与虾的鲜味完美融合,令人食欲大开🍋。•鹅肝慕斯🍮:浓郁顺滑的鹅肝慕斯配以酸甜的果酱和香脆的吐司,鹅肝的醇厚与果酱的清新形成极佳的口感平衡,入口即化,让人回味无穷💫。•酱烤乳鸽🐦:这道经典菜肴将乳鸽慢烤至皮脆肉嫩,搭配丰富的酱汁和季节性蔬菜,口感层次分明,每一口都能感受到精致的法式料理手法🔥。•巧克力慕斯🍫:甜品选用高品质巧克力制作,口感浓郁绵密,搭配轻盈的奶油与水果,完美收尾一场丰富的法式盛宴🍓。💰️人均价格:人均约 150 - 250 欧元(约 1,200 - 2,000 人民币),根据点餐情况不同。💗其他tips:•餐厅坐落于美丽的棕榈花园内,适合在用餐前后漫步于花园中,享受自然与美食的完美结合🌿。•作为米其林二星餐厅,建议提前数周预约📅。•餐厅的菜品常根据季节更换,提供最时令的新鲜食材🌱。