This side was once the king of the price-performance ratio of singing here, but now there will be fewer people going. It should be in 2017. There are more rooms. It is not convenient to park. Others can still take the bus. It will be a little more convenient than the subway. The subway has to take a small road, and now it is said to be renovated.
The place is old, we are old, music, beer, stereo, routine! The place is old, we are old, music, beer, stereo, routine! The place is old, we are old, music, beer, stereo, routine!
Very hi, good, good first time, good, the name is very dazzling
This side was once the king of the price-performance ratio of singing here, but now there will be fewer people going. It should be in 2017. There are more rooms. It is not convenient to park. Others can still take the bus. It will be a little more convenient than the subway. The subway has to take a small road, and now it is said to be renovated.
The place is old, we are old, music, beer, stereo, routine! The place is old, we are old, music, beer, stereo, routine! The place is old, we are old, music, beer, stereo, routine!
Very hi, good, good first time, good, the name is very dazzling