KeseluruhanUlasanLocated Nearby
Yamamo 广场やまもプラザ
Buka Sekarang Dibuka pada 10:00-20:00
Alamat: 〒413-0232 静岡県 伊東市 八幡野1183
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Cocokara Fine(Izukogen Store)
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This is really the largest commercial plaza in Izu, and there are many projects operating here, including clothing, dining, fun and other projects, usually there are many customers.
Yasakano, Ito-shi, Tokai, Japan, a comprehensive shopping center near Ito-Kauto Station, integrating shopping, dining and entertainment
[Product] Complete and dazzling [Environment] Good [Service] Worth buying, especially satisfied
[Product] Complete [Environment] First-class [Service] Thoughtful and meticulous, worth buying
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