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shi cheng tao di是誠陶笛
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Or the children are more interested in these, after entering, they refuse to leave, see the children have a natural feeling of animals and art.
Tao flute has also seen in China, many people here selling the flute are also performers, often can hear the music of the flute here, the songs are very happy, many people are happy.
This is a pottery store, selling all kinds of pottery. The boss played a few songs for us, it was very nice, but I couldn't play the tune, so I bought a good-looking home for a tour souvenir.
It is a small flute made of ceramics, the size is there, the boss will send a small textbook, but still have to blow out the big good, may be more holes in the flute.
Very special shop, most of the others sell food, this one plays the flute.