Maoye Department Store can be found in many cities, and there are two in Yangzhou. This one is not far from Wang's residence. The style of the building is actually more like an office building, and it is not particularly related to a shopping mall. There is a parking lot downstairs, as well as some banks. The largest one is a supermarket, and the others are basically some clothing retail stores. Usually not many people come here, and it is not particularly far from Dongguan Street.
When I came to Maoye Department Store in August, many brands were on sale. It just so happened that the clothes I had seen earlier were also on sale, so I bought them without hesitation. I was very happy because it was a lot cheaper.
Maoye Department Store is quite large, with several floors in total. It has a wide range of business, including clothing, shoes, hats, luggage, daily necessities, etc. There are many brand stores, as well as dining and entertainment areas, so shopping, leisure, entertainment and dining can all be satisfied.
Maoye Department Store 1) Store location: Wenchang Store is located on Wenchang Middle Road, Guangling District, Yangzhou City, very close to Dongguan Street Historic District and Wenchang Pavilion Business District, Yangzhou Central Square. 2) Shopping mall overview: Yangzhou's old shopping mall is currently facing rectification. There are many goods sold at discounts on the ground floor. There is a feeling of entering the small commodity market. Many brands on the top floor have been withdrawn. There are catering chains such as Pizza Hut and Starbucks on the ground floor, and there is a movie theater on the fourth floor. Most of the merchants are public brands, such as Watsons, Love of Clothes, honeys and other counters, suitable for mass consumption. The overall popularity is poor, some confusion.
Beautiful environment, excellent location, is a good place to shop!
Maoye Department Store can be found in many cities, and there are two in Yangzhou. This one is not far from Wang's residence. The style of the building is actually more like an office building, and it is not particularly related to a shopping mall. There is a parking lot downstairs, as well as some banks. The largest one is a supermarket, and the others are basically some clothing retail stores. Usually not many people come here, and it is not particularly far from Dongguan Street.
When I came to Maoye Department Store in August, many brands were on sale. It just so happened that the clothes I had seen earlier were also on sale, so I bought them without hesitation. I was very happy because it was a lot cheaper.
Maoye Department Store is quite large, with several floors in total. It has a wide range of business, including clothing, shoes, hats, luggage, daily necessities, etc. There are many brand stores, as well as dining and entertainment areas, so shopping, leisure, entertainment and dining can all be satisfied.
Maoye Department Store 1) Store location: Wenchang Store is located on Wenchang Middle Road, Guangling District, Yangzhou City, very close to Dongguan Street Historic District and Wenchang Pavilion Business District, Yangzhou Central Square. 2) Shopping mall overview: Yangzhou's old shopping mall is currently facing rectification. There are many goods sold at discounts on the ground floor. There is a feeling of entering the small commodity market. Many brands on the top floor have been withdrawn. There are catering chains such as Pizza Hut and Starbucks on the ground floor, and there is a movie theater on the fourth floor. Most of the merchants are public brands, such as Watsons, Love of Clothes, honeys and other counters, suitable for mass consumption. The overall popularity is poor, some confusion.
Beautiful environment, excellent location, is a good place to shop!