2024 Global Traveller Awards X 100 Ways of Travel Campaign (Malaysia) Terms and Conditions MY Official MY Official
Aug 14, 2024


  • I. Timeline
    • II. Campaign Overview
    • Ⅲ. Reward Issuance
    • Ⅳ. Qualifying Content Guidelines
    • V. User Participation Agreement
    • VI. Additional Restrictions and Guidelines
    • VII. Miscellaneous
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2024 Global Traveller Awards X 100 Ways of Travel campaign is held by Travel Singapore Pte. Ltd (“” or “we”). The users should browse these terms and conditions (“these terms”) carefully to decide whether to join in the campaign. Participation in this campaign will be deemed to be your consent and endorsement of these terms. Please do not participate if you have any questions about campaign terms and conditions.

All Trip Moments must be posted directly from the “100 Ways of Travel” campaign page on the app in order to qualify under these T&C. Campaign page please visit:

Eligibility: Users must have, or sign up for, a account to participate in these campaigns (“user”)

Campaign period: August 8, 2024 00:00:00 (GMT+8) – November 16, 2024 23:59:59 (GMT+8) (“Campaign period”)

Monthly Top Rewards Winners announcement date: Sept 1, 2024 00:00:00 (GMT+8) , Oct.1, 2024 00:00:00 (GMT+8)

Global Traveller Award announcement date: Before Nov.30 (GMT+8)

During the Campaign period, users who post qualifying Trip Moments (defined below) containing at least 300 characters and 3 photos/1 video (min. 10s long) about travel experience and the #100WaysofTravel hashtag or hashtags included in [My Hashtag Challenge] section, will be considered a valid post and be eligible to participate in the campaign. In addition, users can have chances to receive rewards by liking, commenting, following, and posting with stickers according to the requirements. In order to qualify, Trip Moments published as part of this campaign must be original, useful and travel-related content, ideally related to popular destinations/topics suggested in the campaign. Users who post qualifying Trip Moments satisfying below requirements during the Campaign period shall be eligible to receive the following rewards:

A. Participation Rewards

During the Campaign period, post one Trip Moment (3 pics+ 300 characters +#100WaysOfTravel) will win 100 Trip Coins, Bonus 50 Trip Coins for New User. New users refer to those who have never posted content on Trip Moments before the Campaign period. Users who have previously posted but deleted their own content are not considered as new users. Each user can only win the participation rewards once.

B. Daily Task Rewards

During the Campaign period: each user can receive 1 Trip Coin only once by finishing following Trip Moments official account, and users who have previously followed the official account are unable to claim this reward; each of the other tasks [view&like, comment, post with limited stickers] rewards can only be obtained once per user per day; each reward is limited to the first 50 users who complete the task each day. Daily tasks refresh at 00:00 (GMT+8) every day.

1. By viewing( for at least 5 seconds) and Like 2 Trip Moments posted from #100WaysOfTravel campaign , each user can get 1 Trip Coin every day.

2. By commenting 1 Trip Moment (min. 30 words) posted from #100WaysOfTravel campaign , each user can get 1 Trip Coin every day.

3. By following Trip Moments Official Account, each user can get 1 Trip Coin only once.

4. By posting 1 Trip Moment using campaign limited stickers (min. 3 pics+ 300 characters +#100WaysofTravel)——50 Trip Coins for each qualified post, Max. 2500 Trip Coins can be obtained for each user during the campaign period. Where to find the campaign limited sticker: Click “Post now+”——Select pictures——Click “Next”——Click “Stickers”——Choose stickers in #100WaysOfTravel limited campaign icon tab and apply them on your pictures.

C. Itinerary Rewards

The best 15 posts using itinerary template will win 1,000 Trip Coins (3 pics+ 300 characters+#100WaysOfTravel) .Trip Moments content team will review users’ content and select the best posts based on the overall content quality. Please follow the content guideline described in Section Ⅳ. This reward is limited to posts using the Travel Itinerary template in the publish page. Where to find: Click “Post now+”——Select Template——Choose the Travel Itinerary and fill in the content.

D.Hashtags Challenge Rewards

In this Campaign, users may post qualified Trip Moments (described below) containing at least 300 characters and 3 photos or 1 video (min. 10s long) about a selected destination/topic from the list of hashtags included in [My Hashtag Challenge] for a chance to earn Trip Coins.

Featured tag: Qualified Trip Moments must be related to the specific destination/topic and must also earn a “Featured” content tag in order to qualify for Trip Coins rewards. “Featured” post content guidelines please visit:

Rating of “featured” tag: It will take 72hrs to review the rating as featured after user posting(“rating”).

Each qualified post with a “Featured” content tag can get 200 Trip Coins. Each user can receive a maximum of 600 Trip Coins for each hashtag topic included in [My Hashtag Challenge].

E. Global Traveller Leaderboard

1. Leaderboard rankings are based on users content performance in [My Hashtags Challenge].

2. How is the leaderboard ranking calculated?

The points are calculated based on 2 variables:①Number of qualified posts in [My Hashtags Challenge] during the whole campaign period. ②Corresponding content engagements which include like UV, save UV, comment UV. The term “UV” stands for Unique Visitor. It means that a user's like, comments, and share on a single post are only counted once each. Eg, if the same user posts multiple comments on your content, their contribution to the comment count is only counted as one.The calculation formula is the total number of qualified posts in [My Hashtags Challenge] during the campaign period multiplied by 70%, plus the corresponding content engagement multiplied by 30%.The maximum point for users’ content engagement is 100 points.

3. Leaderboard update time: post number and engagements number update time is T+1. “T” refers to the day when your post your content and receives engagement, while “1” refers to the following day when you post and your content receives engagement.

4. If a user deletes a post during the campaign period, the deleted post data will not be included in the leaderboard ranking calculation.

5. Monthly ranking and Final ranking: August Monthly Top Rewards will be issued to Top 3 users who join [My Hashtags Challenge] and get the most points during [August 8~ August 31,GMT+8]. September Monthly Top Rewards will be issued to Top 3 users who join [My Hashtags Challenge] and get the most points during [September 1~ September 30,GMT+8]. The Final Global Traveller Award will be issued to the top-5 users who join [My Hashtags Challenge] and get the most points on leaderboard at the conclusion of the campaign during [August 8~ November 16,GMT+8].

6. August Monthly Top Rewards

Top 3 users who join [My Hashtags Challenge] and get the most points on leaderboard during [August 8 ~ August 31,GMT+8] shall be eligible to earn the following Trip Coins rewards:

(1) 1st place: 30,000 Trip Coins.

(2) 2nd place: 20,000 Trip Coins

(3) 3rd place: 10,000 Trip Coins

7. September Monthly Top Rewards

Top 3 users who join [My Hashtags Challenge] and get the most points on leaderboard during [September 1 ~ September 30,GMT+8] shall be eligible to earn the following Trip Coins rewards:

(1) 1st place: 30,000 Trip Coins.

(2) 2nd place: 20,000 Trip Coins

(3) 3rd place: 10,000 Trip Coins

8. Global Traveller Awards

At the conclusion of the campaign, the top-15 users who join [My Hashtags Challenge] , get the most points on leaderboard and meet the monthly posting requirements(described below) shall be eligible to earn the following rewards:

(1) 1st place: 500,000 Trip Coins.

(2) 2nd place: 100,000 Trip Coins

(3) 3rd place: 80,000 Trip Coins

(4) 4th-10th place: 50,000 Trip Coins

(5) 11th~15th place: 30,000 Trip Coins

Monthly posting requirements:

From the first calendar month of participating in the competition, users are required to have at least 3 qualified posts in [My Hashtags Challenge] each calendar month in order to qualify for the Global Traveller awards. The entire campaign includes 4 calendar months: August, September, October, and November.

F. Badges Rewards

User can obtain a limited badge by meeting the corresponding requirements. Users need to go to the badge task center on [My Moments] account page and click on “Claim” to receive it.

1. 100 Ways of Travel Golden Badge: Post one Trip Moment (3 pics+ 300 characters +#100WaysOfTravel).

2. 100 Ways of Travel Platinum Badge: Post 1 qualified Trip Moment in My Hashtags Challenge.

3. 100 Ways of Travel Diamond Badge: Post 3 qualified Trip Moments in My Hashtags Challenge.

4. 100 Ways of Travel Hashtag Challenger Badge: Monthly Top Rewards Winner of My Hashtags Challenge.

5. Global Traveller Badge: Top 15 rankings of the whole campaign.

A. Trip Coins rewards of [Daily Task and My Hashtags Challenge] shall be allocated on a first come, first served basis. These campaigns shall end once all Trip Coins are allocated, or the campaign deadline has passed, whichever occurs first.

B. It will take 72hrs to review the rating as featured after user posting. When the established maximum amount of qualifying Trip Moments is reached for a selected topic, all subsequent Trip Moments posted about that topic shall be ineligible for Trip Coins rewards.

C. Any Trip Coins earned by a user participating in this campaign will be automatically deposited into the user’s personal account within 20 business days following the winner announcement of [Itinerary Rewards, Monthly Top Rewards, Global Traveller Awards]. Winners of [Itinerary Rewards, Monthly Top Rewards, Global Traveller Awards] will be announced by Trip Moments Official Account page. Please visit Official Account page during the announcement timeline described in section I to Users may also visit their account page to view their Trip Coins balance and for information on how to redeem Trip Coins on In the event of any discrepancy between information regarding the usage of Trip Coins contained in this document and that posted on the website, the information on the website shall prevail.

D. The users who earn the prizes shall be notified via in-app direct message and Trip content team official email( following final approval of all content posted as part of this campaign.

A. Text Requirements

1. Text must contain a minimum of 300 characters.

2. Text must contain the #100WaysofTravel hashtag or hashtags included in [My Hashtag Challenge] section.

3. Text must be related to travel experience.

4. Text must provide practical information regarding a user’s personal experience of one of the themed experiences and should provide a clear rational for why the experience is being recommended.

5. Text language must be English.

6. Text that relates to prominent scenic spots or hotels or itinerary is more likely to earn a “Featured” tag. Users should add #hashtags to increase exposure potential.

7. All text must be a user’s original composition and may not be plagiarized in any manner.

B. Photo Requirements

1. Each Trip Moment must contain at least three (3) photos. The first attached photo shall be the cover photo and should represent the user’s best photo. Any text superimposed on any photo must be context appropriate.

2. Photos must be clear with a uniform color tone. Photos with a horizontal perspective are encouraged.

3. Advertising information such as watermarks or QR codes is prohibited.

4. Photo composition should primarily contain the landscapes or attractions and must be related to the campaign theme described in the text description.

5. Photos may contain appropriate displays of people; however, selfies comprised primarily of a user’s facial features are prohibited.

6. Food and beverages depicted in cover photos may comprise no more than 30% of the visible area.

7. Duplicate images or images with a high degree of similarity shall not count towards satisfying the requirements established in these guidelines.

8. Photos must be a user’s original work and may not be plagiarized in any manner.

C. Associated Attractions

1. Each Trip Moment must contain the correctly selected attraction location.

2. Content relating to the same destination or attraction should be published in a single Trip Moment. The number of Trip Moments pertaining to a single attraction may not exceed three.

Malicious, harmful, and otherwise fraudulent or illegal content is strictly prohibited. Advertising is strictly prohibited and should not be posted. forgoes any liability for damages claimed by third parties based on the content of a user's Trip Moments. All liability for damages claimed by third parties shall be borne solely by the user, and the user shall compensate for any losses incurred. Within the limits permitted by law and regulations, has the right to delete malicious, harmful, or fraudulent content. Users deemed in violation of this agreement shall automatically forfeit all rewards issued or implied under the terms of this activity. reserves all rights to recoup such rewards to the maximum extent allowed by law.

A. Users are required post Trip Moments using user account and the mobile application.

B. This campaign is only available in’s Malaysia site.(participants’ language setting should be English, and the country setting should be Malaysia).

C. shall regard the same user ID, the same device ID, and/or the same mobile phone number as the same user. Users many not use the same device to post using multiple user accounts. In the campaign a user engages in such behavior, shall only count the campaign of the account that first posted as part of this campaign. The participation of all other accounts maintained by the same user shall be considered void.

D. Users may not publish substantively similar Trip Moments using the same account in other English-speaking markets. Similar, users may not obtain multiple rewards for the same Trip Moment published in one or more markets. Users found to be engaging in this behavior shall be barred from obtaining rewards as part of this campaign.

E. Users who successfully earn rewards associated with this campaign may not delete content for which they have received a reward for at least one year. Users found engaging in this behavior shall forfeit any rewards issued or implied under the terms of this campaign and shall be barred from receiving any rewards associated with future activities on reserves all rights to recover forfeited rewards to the maximum extent allowed by law.

F. Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited. Trip Moments posted as part of this campaign must be a user’s original work and cannot be found to be substantively similar to Trip Moments posted by another user. Infringement shall result in removal of the offending Trip Moments and the disqualification of the offending users from this campaign, any rewards issued to the offending users shall be forfeited.

G. All content posted as part of this campaign shall be reviewed in accordance with the standards set forth in Trip Moments content review system. Content fails to meet established standards shall not be eligible for rewards offer as part of this campaign. reserves the exclusive discretionary right to determine whether the content posted by users complies with the standards of these Activities, including but not limited to determining whether it meets the criteria for content.

H. All information, including personal information submitted or made known to and/or its affiliates in connection with these activities will only be used for the purposes set out in and treated in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and those stipulated in the Privacy Policy of at Please note that leaderboard-related activities will display users' profile pictures and user names in the ranking to enhance reward transparency, community interaction, etc. You have rights concerning the display of your profile picture and user name. If you object to this display or ranking, please refrain from participating in the Leaderboard Activities. If you have any requests, questions or concerns about the use of your personal data or this tHow can I win the participation reward?erm, please contact us through: By participating in the activity, you agree to the processing, storage and use of your personal data by for the purpose of the activity and issuing any rewards.

1. reserves the right to final interpretation of this campaign and further reserves the right to amend, modify, supplement, suspend, or terminate this campaign at any time. reserves all rights to remove content that violates these terms and conditions, including (but not limited to) images that infringe on the rights of others, text or images containing pornography or violence, and any form of commercial or promotional materials.

2. employees, staff members related to this campaign, and their stakeholders are not eligible to participate in this campaign.

3. will not be liable or responsible for any act, omission, event, or circumstance occurs which is beyond the reasonable control of and which prevents from complying with or fulfilling any element of these Terms and Conditions.

4. The winners of [Participation rewards, itinerary rewards, daily task rewards, hashtag challenge rewards, badge rewards, monthly top rewards, global traveller rewards] are required to bear all tax burdens incurred through their participation in this campaign in accordance with relevant laws.

5. This campaign is run by

6. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Singapore and the courts of Singapore shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

7. Any questions or concerns may be directed to