My room washroom encounter the stinky smells on the 1st night, very unfortunate the phone inside the room also out of order too. I’ve to close the door properly before sleep yet still have unpleasant smells in the room. I’ve told the night shift front desk officer about it, however he seems don’t understood and didn’t get the issue settle. Hence, I’ve requested to upgrade on the next day to the day time front desk officer, Herman if the issue can’t be solved. However, it’s fully booked, so I felt upset and helpless. Therefore, I’ve stressed to him I’m unable to give good rating in this case and get him to my room and experience it. He immediately
understood the issue and get someone to resolve the issue after I went out for early dinner. Afterwards the issue only comes back in a while and gone. Herman had got the cleaner take note of the issue too over the 6 days 5 nights stay.
I would like to give the compliment to Herman for this case. Besides, though the breakfast served only simple food, however I think is good for nutrition and everything are fresh. Especially the juice and fruit sections.