No.532 Road, Mingshi Village (next to Mingshi Primary School), Daxin, Guangxi, ChinaLihat Butiran Hotel
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Nat Shanghai
Naxiang Twin Room
Menginap pada Feb 2023
24 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 23 Mac 2023
A great location ! Closed to ten bike ride … very beautiful room ! Excellent breakfast (both continental and Chinese ) …. Lovely swimming pool …. Very friendly place for kids and family !
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Thank you for your approval! I am very happy that the staff have left a deep impression on you. I also hope that this beautiful hotel there will leave you a good memory. Looking forward to your next visit~
Naga Mallikarjun
Zhentian Twin Room
Menginap pada Dis 2022
10 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 25 Jan 2023
Located in a small village like Mingshi but provided excellent facilities. It has swimming pool, gym, the rooms were clean and spacious and with a beautiful view. Breakfast spread is very good. Even though, they don’t speak English, their attempt to understand and help us is good. Service is also very good.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear distinguished guests, thank you very much for your comments and affirmation of the nali hotel . We will study hard and look forward to communicating with you without obstacles when you come next time. We are looking forward to your coming again.
Lianlin Double Bed Room
Menginap pada Mei 2023
10 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 25 Jun 2023
Lovely boutique hotel immersed in the spectacular landscape of Mingshi. Modern, new and well looked after. Free bike rental on site is very convenient, breakfast offers very good variety. Price is high and hotel staff doesn’t speak any English, which made it difficult for us to understand what was on offer. They were very responsive on wechat though. We recommend this hotel if you’re staying in Mingshi.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear guest, thank you very much for your support to the hotel, did not get your full 5 points of praise, we still have a little bit of loss in our heart, there are a lot of places that are not in place, thank you for pointing out our shortcomings, we did not give staff English training, communication with you can only be in the form of wechat, I hope you will come next time to witness our growth, We will strive to do better, we will serve with our heart, so that every guest officer to the store can feel the warmth of home, I hope our service can bring you more surprises and moved, looking forward to your next visit!
Alexander Matthias
Mountain-view Queen Room
Menginap pada Dis 2022
8 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 28 Jan 2023
Nice hotel in a quiet location. Perfect for relaxing and visiting surrounding scenery spots.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear distinguished guests, Thank you very much for your stay and praise. I'm glad to bring you a wonderful time for your trip. I look forward to your coming again!
Pengguna Tetamu
Yuntian Suite
Menginap pada Sep 2022
3 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 28 Dis 2022
Super serene setting in the rice fields of Mingshi. Beautiful hotel. We communicated via WeChat, translating everything. Good service. Good Western and Chinese breakfast. Free bikes to use around town and on paved paths. No hiking in area.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear VIP: Thank you for sharing! It's our pleasure to get your approval and leave a rainbow on your wonderful journey. Travel doesn't care about the destination, but people and things on the way, memories and scenery. We will continue to maintain high quality and excellent customer service standards, and strive to create a comfortable and warm stay experience for every VIP. All staff of Mingshi Hotel are looking forward to your coming again.
Naxiang Twin Room
Menginap pada Jun 2022
2 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 12 Jul 2022
The hotel was clean and modern, and every single room has a view of the surrounding karst mountains. The view from the pool is to die for.
The food in the restaurant was pretty good, if a bit overpriced. It would be lovely if they also had an English menu, but that's rare in this corner of China, and we managed with rudimentary Chinese and pointing.
Be aware that the hotel is in the middle of nowhere. Other than a small convenience store, there's nothing around. You need a car, scooter or bike to get around.
If I had any complaints, it would be that the rooms aren't very well insulated for sound. We could hear everyone who walked up or down the staircase.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: he hotel was clean and modern, and every single room has a view of the surrounding karst mountains. The view from the pool is to die for. The food in the restaurant was pretty good, if a bit overpriced. It would be lovely if they also had an English menu, but that's rare in this corner of China, and we managed with rudimentary Chinese and pointing. Be aware that the hotel is in the middle of nowhere. Other than a small convenience store, there's nothing around. You need a car, scooter or bike to get around. If I had any complaints, it would be that the rooms aren't very well insulated for sound. We could hear everyone who walked up or down the staircase.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 尊敬的客人,您好呀!看到您對我們酒店如此高的評價,我們全體員工都感到無比開心和榮幸呢😄 非常感謝您選擇入住我們酒店,並抽出寶貴的時間來分享您的美好體驗。我們一直致力於為每一位客人提供最優質的服務和最舒適的環境,您對環境、設施、衞生和服務都給出了 5 分的好評,這是對我們最大的肯定與鼓勵呀。酒店的位置得天獨厚,那片葱葱鬱鬱的稻田也是我們精心維護的,就是希望能給客人們帶來獨特的自然美景和愜意的居住感受。您説房間乾淨又大,中西餐都好吃,還喜歡我們大廳每天的免費下午茶、可以免費租自行車騎行以及每天的入夜儀式,這真的讓我們很欣慰呀,説明我們的努力都得到了您的認可呢。而且您還趕上了聖誕節的小型演奏會和煙花,為您的旅途增添了更多的歡樂和浪漫,我們也覺得很幸運能讓您有這樣特別的體驗。我們會繼續努力,不斷提升我們的服務品質和設施水平,期待您的下次光臨,再次為您帶來更加完美的入住體驗哦。再次感謝您的超級推薦,也祝您生活愉快,萬事勝意!🤗
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 非常感謝您的認可與推薦!能得到您這樣高的評價,我們特別開心。選擇錯峯出遊,真的是很明智的決定。這個季節,周邊很多地方都略顯蕭瑟,我們這片綠油油的稻田確實難得,能讓您和家人盡情享受自然的寧靜與美好。而且您帶着長者來,我們也格外用心,從環境打造、服務細節,到餐食搭配、設施維護,都希望能給大家帶來舒適的體驗,看來我們做到啦!服務是我們一直堅守的初心,能成為您眼中民宿的立身之本,是對我們最大的肯定。期待下次您再來,不管是家庭聚會,還是朋友出行,我們都在這兒等您,一定給您準備更多驚喜!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的客人,看到您因為小紅書的推薦來到我們酒店,還收穫了這麼棒的體驗,我們太開心啦!能讓您感受到愜意悠閑,放慢生活節奏,這正是我們一直努力營造的氛圍,能得到您的肯定,真的無比榮幸。您對服務的誇讚,還有特別提到小珍、小農、小金,我們一定轉達您的認可,這對他們來説是最大的鼓勵,他們肯定也會特別開心。房間走質樸風格,沒有電視,就是希望大家能遠離網絡幹擾,好好享受這難得的寧靜時光,看來您很喜歡,我們就放心啦。年夜飯雙人套餐和自助火鍋能讓您吃得滿意,食材新鮮合您口味,我們特別欣慰。早上壯族老婆婆做的年糕能得到您的喜愛,也是我們的福氣。期待您再次光臨,我們一定準備更貼心的服務,延續這份美好,祝您新的一年萬事勝意,平安喜樂!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的客人,看到您如此細緻且滿滿的好評,我們簡直欣喜若狂!能超出您的預期,是我們一直以來夢寐以求的目標,如今做到了,真的無比自豪。那片精心維護的稻田,不僅是田園風光的點綴,更是我們想要傳遞給客人的一份自然與質樸,用產出的大米作為手信,也飽含着我們對客人的美好祝福,您能喜歡,我們超開心。煙花秀是我們為大家營造浪漫氛圍的小小心意,您覺得很有誠意,就是對我們最大的肯定。房間設施齊全、狀態良好,尤其是熱水給力,這些都是我們關注的重點,能讓您住得舒適,是我們最欣慰的事。免費自行車車況良好,能助力您暢快探索周邊,大堂吧自助點心和房間小零食、飲料也能給您帶來小驚喜,看來這些都為您的旅程增添了不少樂趣。期待您再次光臨,我們會繼續努力,為您準備更多美好,讓您每次來都能收穫不一樣的驚喜,祝您生活幸福美滿,萬事勝意!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 尊貴的客人,太感謝您給出的五星超棒評價啦,您的認可就是對我們最大的褒獎!能讓您滿意,我們覺得所有的努力都值了。您誇酒店身處田園,獨有的水稻在這個季節綠意盎然,這是我們精心維護的成果,就是想給您帶來獨一無二的田園風光體驗。免費自行車能助力您暢快騎行,感受田園的美好,煙火又為夜晚增添了浪漫氛圍,這些都能讓您喜歡,我們別提多開心了。當然啦,關於價格,我們也深知大家都希望性價比更高,不過我們在服務、環境和設施維護上投入了很多心血,就是想給您超高品質的體驗。要是您之後有出行計劃,也可以多多關注我們的優惠活動,説不定能以更實惠的價格入住。再次感謝您的支持,期待您下次再來,繼續解鎖更多美好!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的客人,看到您給出的五星好評,我們的內心滿是歡喜與感動!能為您打造出這般田園風格、景色怡人的居住環境,讓您推開房間便能邂逅稻田風光,實在是太榮幸啦。晚上八點半的煙花,本就是為給大家的旅程添一抹浪漫驚喜,您喜歡真是再好不過。聯繫觀光車司機帶客人打卡景區,也是我們希望能幫大家更好領略當地美景的小心意,價格合理能讓您滿意,我們特別欣慰。可惜您去的時候是陰天,要是天氣晴好,那景色肯定更加迷人。真心期待您下次有時間能多住幾天,好好凈化心靈,我們也會一如既往提供優質服務,準備更多美好等您來發現,祝您生活順心如意,萬事勝意!分享酒店還有哪些特色服務?如何預訂該酒店?酒店周邊有什麼好玩的地方?
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的客人,您這一連串的誇讚,讓我們心裏像灌了蜜一樣甜!能為您打造出如此舒適休閑、適合放空的環境,讓您感受到枕田的獨特魅力,還在位置、設施、餐飲和服務等方面都獲得您的認可,我們真的無比自豪。免費自行車、洗衣機烘乾機這些小細節能為您的旅途增添便利,我們也很開心。中餐廳能在您心中 “遙遙領先”,更是對我們廚師團隊的極大肯定。期待您再次歸來,我們會繼續保持,為您帶來更多温馨、美好的度假時光!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的客人,收到您的好評,我們心裏像被蜜填滿啦!真的特別感謝您的認可與推薦!能讓您在明仕田園的旅程因為我們酒店而更加美好,這是我們最開心的事😃。為您送上歡迎水果、提供園區自行車騎行和大堂吧自助下午茶,這些都是我們希望給您帶來的小驚喜。酒店管家提前聯繫您發停車和定位圖,給您免費升級房型,就是想讓您一到酒店就感受到家一般的温暖和舒適。看到您對陽台風景讚不絕口,我們也覺得特別欣慰,那可是我們精心打造的觀景視野呢。您誇自行車很新,能讓您騎行得更暢快,我們也很有成就感。要是您下次再來,我們還準備了更多貼心服務等您來體驗。再次感謝您的支持,祝您往後的日子順順利利,期待與您再次相遇!