Dhawa Ihuru by Banyan Tree

Ulasan Dhawa Ihuru by Banyan Tree

Dhawa Ihuru by Banyan Tree

Ihuru Island, Himmafushi, Kaafu Atoll, 08300, MaldivesLihat Butiran Hotel
Dhawa Ihuru by Banyan Tree
Dhawa Ihuru by Banyan TreeDhawa Ihuru by Banyan TreeDhawa Ihuru by Banyan Tree
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Pengguna Tetamu
Vila Tepi Pantai
Menginap pada Jan 2025
6 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Disiarkan pada 20 Feb 2025
酒店只有沙屋提供 酒店面積小 膳食方面 只有一間餐廳(早、午、晚) 早餐 自助餐模,有新鮮的果汁提供,你可以選擇你的口味 午餐 自助餐模式(適合外國人口味) 晚餐 有時會是自助餐,有時是三道菜式 視乎酒店的供應 每天都有免費的渡輪可以乘搭去對面相同品牌的島 可以在那邊游泳
Pengguna Tetamu
Villa Rainmist di Pantai
Menginap pada Jul 2024
34 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 6 Ogo 2024
房間不算大但是一家人夠用,島很小浮潛確實不錯,離岸不遠就能看見很多美麗的小魚,可惜沒有找到海龜,但是周圍屋有人看到,機率還是很大的。 最後説一下服務,可以説改變了我對悦榕莊的印象,在國內住過好幾家悦榕莊,總有各種各樣的不滿意,如果不是坐水飛有過陰影,而且想浮潛可能不會再選擇悦榕莊。但是這家所謂的低配版,真的不輸任何裝修高檔的悦榕莊,人人眼裡有活,會提供熱情的服務,甚至不少服務人員還知道每個客人的房號。不過隨口説過來過紀念日,就佈置了房間,還送了甜品。 離島時一排員工揮手告別,船開出很遠還在揮手,讓人很感動。 希望下次回來能看到海龜,也算給自己一個理由。
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear Valued Guest,First of all, we hope you arrived home safely.Please accept our sincere gratitude for the opportunity to host your stay at Dhawa Ihuru Maldives. Thank you for taking the time to share your opinions on your recent stay at our resort. We are pleased you enjoyed your visit and have shared your feedback with the team, and we are grateful for the perfect 5/5 rating you gave us.Once again, we express our gratitude and eagerly anticipate your return in the near future.Sincerely,Hery KuswoyoGeneral Manager
Pengguna Tetamu
Vila Tepi Pantai
Menginap pada Jul 2024
1 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 19 Sep 2024
너무 좋았습니다. 기회가 된다면 다시 가고 싶어요. 시설, 바다, 직원들이 서비스까지 너무 좋았습니다. 후회없는 선택이었어요.
Vila Tepi Pantai
Menginap pada Mei 2024
14 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 14 Jul 2024
房間老點,維護得很好,也很乾凈。 飲食全包,有免費酒水。選擇還可以,特別是晚上靠海邊吃晚飯很愜意。 浮潛不錯,不錯珊瑚比不上以前了。鯊魚常見,魚兒很多。浮潛裝備免費。 島上有出海深潛活動,附近有不錯的水肺潛水點。 可以免費去對面悦榕莊,上面有個大平台,拍照非常好。 中文管家不錯,馬來華人。全島服務人員都很nice。 我們由於飛機傍晚到,直接乘船上島度過了假日的前三天。小朋友玩很開心。下次還會考慮。
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear Valued Guest (Meitangyahodeshao),I hope this message finds you well and that you arrived home safely.We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to host your stay at Dhawa Ihuru Maldives. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about your recent visit. We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed your stay and are grateful for the 5/5 rating. Your feedback has been shared with our team, especially Elena, who would be delighted to be recognized cordially.Once again, thank you for your kind words. We look forward to welcoming you back in the near future.Warm regards,Hery KuswoyoGeneral Manager
Vila Tepi Pantai
Menginap pada Sep 2023
23 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 24 Dis 2023
酒店自然環境非常好 很適合浮潛。算是很親民低調的小島,更適合家人出行。離馬累也不遠,快艇20分鐘上島。
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear Tnklee,First and foremost, we hope you arrived home safely.It was a pleasure having you with us at Dhawa Ihuru Maldives, and we thank you for sharing your recent experience with us. We were delighted to read that you enjoyed your stay at our resort. I have extended your appreciation to the entire team.It is our privilege to serve you, and we look forward to welcoming you back in the not-too-distant future, your home away from home.Please allow us to wish you and your family a joyful Festive season and a prosperous New Year 2024! With best personal regards,Hery KuswoyoGeneral Manager
Pengguna Tetamu
Vila Tepi Pantai
Menginap pada Mei 2023
2 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 6 Jul 2023
我們一家經常來馬代,在這呆了五個晚上,來客觀的説説好與壞吧。 好:1)前台有馬來西亞小姐姐會説中文,可以很好很及時的服務到英文不好的中國家庭,小姐姐姓wong,很耐心細緻,但是有時候是早班,晚上找不到她。 2)整體在島的服務人員整體素質OK,有禮貌總是問候你,島上總經理Hary,大概是新加坡人?英文流利人很和善,也很關注顧客的喜好和意見,説如何中國人吃不慣餐食,可以和大廚提出做點中國菜 3)浮潛的狀態就算OK,我們很幸運看到了海龜,很多護士鯊和幾簇活珊瑚,因為海島很小,繞道一週有五個入水口,大約三天就能完整的看完,住五天後麪就沒興趣下水了,沒有新鮮東西。且淡季風浪大雨多水混,會出現下水浪大嗆水或者啥也看不到就上來了。哦對了這個島有一衹很孤獨的蒼鷺一直在轉悠,很多小朋友去合照。 壞: 1)衞生是個大問題!我們一家來馬爾代夫三次,這次的蚊中叮咬,蟑螂螞蟻是最多的,其他島好像並沒有如此,我們一家人均15+蚊子包且奇癢無比。屋裡有蚊香液插着但是無效,給的蚊蟲噴霧噴了也是有蟑螂好幾衹。 2)我們選的全包三餐酒水飲料,每天早餐幾乎一模一樣,午餐和晚飯也都是重複性極其高,也許別的友友可以試試點餐,有漢堡和bento box之類的選擇。全包的話三天肯定吃的很膩歪。 3)潛水中心免費提供的浮潛管,麪鏡,腳蹼,救生衣都質量不好,麪鏡容易進水,腳蹼很硬,尺碼不合適好像都是均碼靠自己勒緊。並且其他島嶼的banana boat都是免費的拿來玩,這裡是15min要40美金,出海的價格也是偏高並且他潛導英文不太好,不放心一起下水。 4)姐妹島悦榕莊和Dhawa極其相似,都是沒啥東西的小島,沙灘風格幾乎一樣,而shuffle boat每倆小時一次,意味着我去了悦榕莊走一圈十分鐘,然後就需要等待1h45回自己的島上。 5)房間打掃不夠及時,並且床單五天沒換,一個熱帶島怎麼也要兩天一換吧!每天衹是服務員稍微鋪鋪床而已…給的牙刷也不及時或者數量不夠,服務員英文很塑料。
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear our valued guest,Heartfelt thanks for your priceless review following your recent stay with us at Dhawa Ihuru. The constructive feedback from our guests such as yours will truly assist us in our efforts to improve while continuing to provide a high level of services to our guests.First and foremost, please accept our apologies for not being able to meet your expectations during your visit particularly with the villa cleanliness, bathroom amenities and insect, the food variety, the quality of snorkeling gear, the price and language barrier at marine center, the frequency of our complimentary shuttle boats to visit Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru; our sister resort, and the insufficient communication. I appreciate you taking your time to raise your concerns which will help us to improve ourselves and offerings for the best experiences of our valued guests. Please be assured that your concerns have been addressed as a high priority, rectified the root causes, and corrective measures including training, revisiting our standard and procedure, etc. have been taken to minimize such incidents from occurring in the future. Our resort has stringent standard in place when it comes to pest control, and we conduct regular and systematic exercise to eradicate all pests in the entire island. Meanwhile, we will also work closely with the pest control company to see how this can be further improved to ensure such incident will not happen again in future.We are pleased that you enjoyed our house reef full of colorful fishes, sharks, rays, and more just few meters away from the shoreline ideal for snorkeling and the satisfactorily overall service from our team including Wong – our Chinese speaker.Once again, we are truly saddened that your holiday was not completely fulfilled. We will absolutely take this learning lesson with us and improve ourselves to the next level.We thank you for your invaluable feedback. Even it may be a far-off possibility to get another chance to prove ourselves differently to you, I hope we will still get a chance to do that in the future. Kind Regards,Hery KuswoyoGeneral ManagerBanyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Dhawa Ihuru
Vila Tepi Pantai
Menginap pada Jul 2023
5 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 5 Ogo 2023
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear luminga, Heartfelt thanks from all of us here in Dhawa Ihuru for sharing your amazing review following your recent stay with us. We are so humbled to be crowned as a snorkeling sanctuary - our house reef rich in vibrant corals and diverse marine life. We are delighted that you enjoyed the magical time exploring the underwater world, the delectable cuisine, the shared facilities at Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru; our sister resort accessed by complimentary shuttle boats, and the impeccable service from our friendly and courteous staff. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kind feedback! And we shall be looking forward to welcoming you back on our shores at "Dhawa Ihuru - Be Here, Be You" for more inspired experience specially exploring more marine life. With best regards, Hery Kuswoyo General Manager Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru & Dhawa Ihuru
Vila Tepi Pantai
Menginap pada Ogo 2023
29 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 26 Sep 2023
房間普通,餐飲不算豐富但出品上乘。 浮潛環境很好,可以看到鯊魚,海龜也有。 服務蠻好的,房間和院子都是打掃的很乾凈。 島很小走一圈10分鐘,可以參加酒店的浮潛,釣魚,看海豚,價格合理。 有健身房,沒有泳池。
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear Valued Guest, It was a pleasure having you with us at Dhawa Ihuru Maldives, we trust that you had a safe journey back home. Thank you for taking the time to share with us your recent experience in our resort. We were delighted to read that you enjoyed your stay. We thoroughly appreciate that you found our overall products and services to your satisfaction. I am more than glad to share your compliments to the entire team. Again, we thank you and we look forward to welcoming you back in the not-too-distant future. With best personal regards, Hery Kuswoyo General Manager
Pengguna Tetamu
Villa Jet Pool Hadapan Pantai
Menginap pada Mei 2023
Melancong bersama rakan
30 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 10 Jun 2023
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear our valued guest, Heartfelt thanks for choosing Dhawa Ihuru and sharing your amazing review following your stay with us. We are delighted to learn that you enjoyed our charming and cozy island, the stunning underwater world full of colorful fishes, sharks, rays, turtles and more just few meters away from the shoreline perfect for snorkeling, the lovely and comfy villa with plenty of drinking water provided, the scrumptious cuisine, the shared facilities with Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru; our sister resort accessed by complimentary shuttle boats, to the impeccable service from our friendly, courteous and caring staff. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kind feedback! And we shall be looking forward to welcoming you back on our shores at Dhawa Ihuru in the near future for more inspired experience. With best regards, Hery Kuswoyo General Manager Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Dhawa Ihuru
Pengguna Tetamu
Menginap pada Dis 2022
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 2 Jan 2023
رسالة شكر وتقدير لمجموعة فريق فنادق مجموعة بانيان تري وانكسانا اود ان اتقدم بجازل الشكر والامتنان بحسن الظيافة والمعاملة، وبكل فرحتي اود ان اشكر بكل من المدير والمديرة السيد سماد والسيدة كان. من اعماق قلبي على معاملتهم الطيبة وكيفية استقبالهم لي، وبغظ النظر راية السيد والسيدة سماد وكان كيف هم اصدقاء لكل فريق العمل لديهم روح مثالية مثل الوالدين واولادهم وكم افرحني هذا وكل التقدير لكم. ومن هذا المنبر اتقدم بشكر كبير لفريق الفندق الذي عرفني على تقاليد بلاد المالديف والذي كان داىما مبتسما والظحكة لا تفرق وجوههم الجميلة أشعر بالسعادة من أجل هاذه المعاملة الجميلة، أود ان أشكر كل فريق العمل وهم: نوفل، جهان، عزيز حنان، يوليا، ساجد، سمون، شريف، شكيب، روحيت، سعيد بوسا، محمث، نور، نيك، هارش، مليسا، نايس واخيرا لطيف. شكرا جزيلا!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear soukainam2023, Thank you very much for choosing Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru & Angsana Ihuru and sharing this truly fabulous review. It gives great pride reading that you like everything and enjoyed every moment especially the local culture of Maldives shared by our team and the exceptional service from our associates. It is indeed motivating and encouraging. Thank you very much for your word of praise for Simaad; our hotel manager, Naoufel; our assistant front office manager, Jihane; our sales manager, Nick; marine lab & sustainability manager, Yulia, Sajid, Mohammet, Nour, Harish and Latheef from front office, Samoon from housekeeping, Bossa; our F&B team leader, Hanane, Shareef, Shakeeb and Rohit from food and beverage, chef Aziz and chef Naif from culinary, and Malissa from spa. Please be assured that they are extremely happy to know that their wholeheartedly service made your holiday special and felt like family. The entire team is honored to have you with us and will always look forward to welcoming you back to our shores for another inspired experience. With best regards, Kanruethai Roongruang General Manager Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru & Angsana Ihuru
Menginap pada Dis 2024
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 19 Jan 2025
Small quiet relaxed resort. The staff are all super. The reef is one of the best in the region and easily accessible. I have not been to Maldives for 30 and I'm now retired so I used the guided snorkeling to get me started again. Perfect. I cannot avoid saying that the colours and soft corals of 1995 were sadly reduced but this is one of few resorts with a marine preservation centre and they are growing new corals and the fish variety is v good . Any negatives: They have put in groins to reduce beach loss and new development on adjacent islands is visible.
Menginap pada Dis 2024
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 9 Jan 2025
We loved the laid back approach to this resort, the staff were friendly and seemed to be really happy working here. From the time we were picked up at the airport until the trip home we have enjoyed ourselves and been made to feel welcome. The food was great, the service and drinks also and the reef is so easy to access and quite beautiful. We had some spectacular sunsets and great weather as well. Highly recommend!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear Valued Guest (elkaySydney), Thank you for choosing Dhawa Ihuru Maldives as your retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. We are truly honored to have been part of your quick getaway and deeply appreciate you sharing your experience. While we strive daily to deliver exceptional service, it is truly gratifying to see our efforts recognized. Your generous 5/5 rating means the world to us, and we have shared your kind words with the entire team; they would be thrilled to be recognized. It brings us great joy to know that you enjoyed the well-deserved relaxation our resort offers. We sincerely value the opportunity to serve you and look forward to welcoming you back to your home away from home. Warm regards, Hery Kuswoyo General Manager
Lynnette L
Menginap pada Nov 2024
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 18 Dis 2024
Dhawa Ihuru ticks all our checklists for: 1) Comfort - mattress is of a semi hard (not the type of resort bed where the bed sinks in when you lie on the bed) 2) Prompt housekeeping - the room was cleaned almost 2 times a day due to the sand that gets into the room each time we stepped out either for breakfast, lunch or snorkel. We did not have to call for housekeeping to clean up the room. 3) Well thought out activities for young children and adults - we could leave our 2 children in the kids club while I scuba dived and my husband went to the gym. 4) Great service - the staff were knowledgeable in most of our queries and without fail tried their best to help us in our requests. 5) Warmth and Friendly environment - every staff you meet from the housekeeping, technicians and porter will greet you. 6) Glass bottled cleaned drinking water supplied everyday in the room - I had initially planned to bring a few bottled mineral water for my young daughter who requires formula milk but there is really no need for it. 7) Beautiful view with corals and reefs just few steps away from the shore. 8) Good breakfast and dinner, however for more variety I would suggest to travel to the other Banyan tree island for a la carte lunch as this resort only has 1 restaurant option.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear Lynnette, We hope you and your family arrived home safely. We are thrilled to welcome you to Dhawa Ihuru Maldives and sincerely thank you for choosing our resort for your quick getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life. Your patronage and loyalty mean the world to us. We deeply appreciate you taking the time to complete our online guest satisfaction survey and for a positive rating on your most recent stay. Your kind words will be shared with our dedicated team, they will be delighted to receive your warm acknowledgment. It’s wonderful to know that you also had a memorable experience visiting our sister property, Banyan Tree Maldives Vabbinfaru. Our priority is our guests’ safety and comfort. We are glad to know that we can provide you with much-needed rest and relaxation during your stay. We look forward to welcoming you back to our paradise island soon, your home away from home. With warmest regards, Hery Kuswoyo General Manager
Kwannapa M
Menginap pada Nov 2024
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 23 Dis 2024
We have so much fun and happy time there Staff very friendly and helpful We very enjoy to swim and snorkel around the island So many fish and some area around island have very nice coral reel and we always saw turtles look like he is local guide in this island
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear Kwannapa M, Thank you for choosing Dhawa Ihuru Maldives as your retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life. We are truly honored to have been part of your quick getaway and deeply appreciate you sharing your experience. While we strive daily to deliver exceptional service, it is truly gratifying to see our efforts recognized. Your generous 5/5 rating means the world to us, and we have shared your kind words with the entire team. It brings us great joy to know that you enjoyed the well-deserved relaxation our resort offers. We sincerely value the opportunity to serve you and look forward to welcoming you back to your home away from home. Warm regards, Hery Kuswoyo General Manager
Ingela K
Menginap pada Nov 2024
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 15 Dis 2024
Professional and friendly staff, Stunning views, delicious food especially seafood like Tuna salad, Salmon as well as Maldivian cuisine. Banyan Tree other property is equally beautiful must visit that also. Perfect place for family vacation.i would highly recommend Dhawa Ihuru. Thank you so much for making our stay a memorable one.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear Ingela, It was an absolute pleasure to host you at Dhawa Ihuru Maldives, and we truly appreciate you taking the time to share your recent experience with us. We are delighted to hear that you and your family enjoyed your short getaway and were pleased with the quality of our products and services. Your kind words mean a lot to us and will certainly be shared with the team, they will be thrilled to be recognized. We look forward to welcoming you back to Dhawa Ihuru Maldives, where it will once again be our privilege to serve you. Warm regards, Hery Kuswoyo General Manager