Where do I begin? First, I want to thank, Andrew, Nabil, and Chris. These guys, are working their tail off. They are trying to fill too many positions. I don't know how they are doing what they're doing. They are chasing their tail. This hotel needs help in so many ways. Maintenance, upkeep, shower and plumbing repairs, washer and dryers not working, water leaks, no linens for bed changes, no towels in the pool or rooms, floors are being cleaned with granite polish, banging noises all hours of the night, breakfast is horrible quality, girls at the desk on their phone and acting like it hurts then to stand up and talk to customers. The list goes on. Check in was botched by Booking.com. Rooms not clean couldn't check in. Only one room was scheduled, had to make special arrangements. Elevators don't always work. Water leaked for two days before plumber came. Plumber called in early a.m. I told him we were not up yet (traveling with my aunt kids and grand kids). Made appointment with him and waited on him for hour and a half. Dishwasher knob broken, shower stall cracked floor, blinds bent and missing vallance. Made one bed out of four left the others unmade and rooms not tended to. Called the office the laundry equipment was not working NO SHEETS! One of the beds had someone's black hair in it. My daughter is blonde. The pull outs in both rooms were without sheets and one had a blood stain on it. Nabil was awesome about this. He did everything possible to save this situation. But, there's no going back and erasing that issue. Garbage cans for staff left in the hallways. Breakfast was terrible. Out of items that should be simple. The people working were trying their best, but trying to do way too much. We were there 5 days. I noticed the same things everyday. Desk people are running to rooms, answering phone calls, checking people in, cleaning...etc. Every day these things consistently were problematic. I feel upper management needs to help their employees out. These kind of problems start at the top. Kudos to the outstanding employees who bent over backwards during our stay. They tried to shine the surface of a very broken hotel system. Nabil, was very positive and worked with us in every way possible to improve our stay. They did comp some of our stay. I felt like I should have been paid to stay here. I cleaned our rooms, changed the sheets, would get our own supplies and limit asking questions or bothering staff. Just to help them out. I even attempted to hand tighten the leaky faucet after two days of waiting on the plumber. Solution Don't FILL ALL THE ROOMS UNTIL adequate staffing is available and trained. Solution REPAIR OR REPLACE EQUIPMENT. Staff can't do their jobs without the proper equipment and supplies. Thank you again, Andrew, Nabil, and Chris. You guys made me want to stay and not flee to another hotel. I hope I was able to make your hard work and efforts seem worth it.
98 Ulasan