Ocean Rock Kalim

Ulasan Ocean Rock Kalim

Ocean Rock Kalim

9/1-3 Soi Prabaramei, Pa Tong, Kathu District, Kathu, Phuket Province, 83150, ThailandLihat Butiran Hotel
Ocean Rock Kalim
Ocean Rock KalimOcean Rock KalimOcean Rock Kalim
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Pengguna Tetamu
Studio C3
Menginap pada Ogo 2024
Melancong bersama rakan
6 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 20 Sep 2024
Amazing stay with this beautiful hotel .The room is huge. can sleep 2+1 as sofa is very comfortable too. The view to paying beach is magnificient. The location is a little far from city , need to grab everytime but fair enough cause you will have quiet moments with friends. During our stay, rain pours but it become a nice moments to enjoy at the balcony at night and breakfast with nice view.
Joanne Shi Jie
Apartmen A1/B1
Menginap pada Feb 2023
1 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 22 Mac 2023
Beautiful property perched on a hill at the end of Patong, leading to Kalim. You get a full aerial view of Patong beach and awesome colours of the sunset. The apartment comes equipped with basic cooking utensils and a stocked fridge. There's also a bbq area next to the pool where you can grab your own stuff from the supermarket and do a bbq if you want. Our stay was a little short this round and we didn't get to enjoy the pool and the bbq which was a pity. It definitely helps to have your own transport for the walk up is indeed quite a challenge. We'll definitely be back!!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Thank you for your nice review. Looking forward to welcoming you here again. Best regards Guy
Essam Naseem
Studio C2
Menginap pada Feb 2025
4 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 6 Mac 2025
Apartmen A1/B1
Menginap pada Dis 2024
2 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 3 Mac 2025
とても素敵なステイが出来ました! 2ベッドルームで各部屋にシャワー、トイレがあります。 お部屋もとても広くバルコニーも広く、海を一望出来て開放感が素晴らしいです。 お部屋も綺麗です! 山の上にあるからか風通しがよく、涼しく感じました。 プールも美しい海を見ながらゆっくりした時間を過ごせます。 レストランがないのでタクシー、レンタカー必須です。 次回は長く滞在したいです! 早く行きたい!
Pangsapuri A2/B2
Menginap pada Sep 2024
Melancong bersama rakan
3 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 7 Nov 2024
Очень понравилась вилла, все сделано качественно и шикарный вид на бухту! Удобно что формат гостиницы, когда есть возможность что-то узнать на ресепшене, и не надо отдельно оплачивать электричество:) Мы ездили на мопедах и удаленность нем никак не мешала, а наоборот, ощущаешь себя как будто за городом или в джунглях, при этом никаких мошек или других неудобств. Другие просто заказывали доставку продуктов или еды, таксисты и курьеры легко находят виллу. Отдельно спасибо за колонку хармон кардон в номере!
Apartmen A1/B1
Menginap pada Jul 2024
16 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 10 Ogo 2024
服務很親切,接待的小哥耐心解答了很多問題。 酒店的位置在山上,門口的大坡很考驗司機技術,建議不要自行租摩託車前往。 房間確實沒的説,我們兩個人定了A1-B1的四人房型,設施一應俱全,房間內消費品價格公道,明碼標價。 酒店環境,視野相當不錯,又室外無邊框泳池,真實的一線海景可以遠眺卡利姆海灘和芭東海灘。 酒店有付費洗衣服務,價格公道,也很衞生。
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Thank you for your nice review.Best regards Guy Jung
Pengguna Tetamu
Pangsapuri A2/B2
Menginap pada Mei 2024
Melancong bersama rakan
6 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 26 Jul 2024
這是本次旅行最美好的片段,我回到國內時刻想念它,真的很棒! 從入住前幾天,店家就主動與我聯繫確定入住的細節,到最後我才知道為什麼需要這樣。因為在你入住前會為你打開空調,進門能感受到涼爽的温度,房間的設施為你準備齊全。店家帶我們到房間會耐心的介紹房間的佈局和電器的使用。房間的裝修和使用的材質都很有品味和質感,我們在這裏睡了一個好覺,房間特別的寧靜和舒適。 入住的房間在半山腰可以俯瞰美麗的海景,房間周圍的綠植煥發著生機,早晨可以看到大朵夢幻的雲掛在空中,下面就是藍藍的海水。換上泳衣去無邊泳池游泳,泳池的温度也剛剛好,泳池旁還有音箱,聽着音樂感受極致的享受。 本來還想繼續住在這裏,奈何沒有空房間了,有些遺憾。另外店家服務很好,會幫忙提行李,預訂出行的車輛。 真的很想念這裏的一切,我想我還會回到這裏。
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Thank you for your nice review and looking forward welcoming you here again.Best regards Guy Jung
Pangsapuri A2/B2
Menginap pada Mei 2024
1 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 15 Jun 2024
它的位置在離鬧市區不遠的地方,卻恰到好處的恬靜,我們可以通過bolt快速的去到任何想去的地方。 非常幸運的在雨季卻沒怎麼遇到下雨,所以每天在酒店裡就能看到美到窒息的景色。 晚上躺在2樓露天泳池邊的躺椅,天上的星星清晰可見,你想讓時間就這樣停下來。 這家酒店讓我們在芭東度過完美的5天4夜。 有機會我們一定會再回來的!老闆説下次來有折扣哈哈哈哈~😄
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Thank you for your nice review.Looking forward welcoming you here again.Best regards Guy Jung
Pengguna Tetamu
Studio C2
Menginap pada Sep 2024
3 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 9 Okt 2024
説實話住店體驗並不好,雖然經理和管家儘量處理了一系列問題,但整體還是感覺很不好。 首先是住在最低層比較潮濕,廁所地面和床邊地面都出現蠕動的蟲子,讓害怕蟲子的我和小孩都很焦慮。其次是空調聲音非常大,已經調整成最低風速了仍然很吵。因為空調比較冷、風速大,第一天晚上想多要一條被子,但是儲存間被清潔人員鎖了,管家沒有鑰匙拿不到,晚上衹能用浴巾加蓋一下。然後房間裏面有一股濃烈的味道,像是為了掩蓋下水道反味噴的清新劑,我們朋友住在樓上的房間並沒有這麼濃的氣味,小孩一直説房間很臭,不願意待在我們的房間。經理和管家過來都説沒有味道,但是連我們樓上的朋友來到都説這個氣味大到影響居住了。 另外,我們房間門口老是有兩條狗趴着,有一衹狗甚至撲到我們朋友身上,把我們所有人都嚇到了,住了兩天,兩條狗還是不定期出現在我們房門前,管家表示狗是隔壁過來的,他們鎖不了,衹能10分鐘驅趕一次,但我們入住兩天還是好幾次開門就看到狗守在門口不敢出去,每次出門都要觀察和避開兩衹狗。 雖然入住時已經知道日夜管家人員不一樣,需要分別聯繫,酒店衹有白天有清潔人員。我明白酒店房間不多,管理上可能不需要這麼多人,但沒想到入住兩天會遇到這麼多問題(我們樓上朋友的房間就沒遇到什麼問題,可能是我們運氣不好),雖然經理和管家都在努力解決問題(提供了調整了過大的水壓,盡力調整了空調風向),但是好多情況疊加一起,讓我一直焦慮也很無奈。 整體來説如果喜歡絕對私隱的可以考慮這裏,房間很大很安靜,景觀不錯。但是交通不便,有段下坡非常陡,山腳下的海邊不是沙灘,不能玩耍,需要去其他更遠的沙灘玩。如果是帶長輩和小孩需要去沙灘玩耍,需要按時用餐的家庭還是住沙灘附近酒店比較好…
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Sorry that you were not satisfied staying here, but let me explain a few things to clarify.Yes you booked a studio, which is on "the lowest" as we only have 2 floors...Our rooms get checked before customer check in and there are no bugs in the room at that point, so bugs come in when doors, windows get open." like freshener sprayed to cover up the odor of the sewer"Sorry BUT our rooms do not smell sewer...We went 3 persons to your room checking smell NOBODY reported including myself any bad smell, only smell there was, were smell from your food in the garbage bin.However we did put in things to take away any smell.....Before you checked in the room got spayed with perfume to give a good smell, some people are more sensitive to smell, and I am sorry if you did not like that smell."Because the air conditioner was relatively cold and the wind speed was high"Yes it is a big brand new aircon (installed 3 months ago) and maybe a bit noisy, BUT if it was to cold it was easy to adjust with the remote, you can adjust to 35 degrees and it would for sure not be cold.Yes our housekeeping closes at 17.00 and we are a serviced apartment resort, so sorry if the reception could not bring you an extra quilt."Although the manager and housekeeper were working hard to solve the problem (adjusting the excessive water pressure..."WE do NOT have a problem with water pressure or water heat!We have normal water pressure and normal water heat like any hotel and we do have normal water taps where (as I showed you) you can easily adjust pressure and hot/cold water without any problem.About the dogs, I am sorry for that. They are neighborhood dogs, coming and going.They are friendly and do nothing bad, just want cuddle.We do NOT like them here, because some guests are scared, but they come because other guests and kids bring them food.I am sorry about that, and I understand some guests are scared for dogs.Again sorry for that you did not feel happy at our place.Guy Jung manager
Studio C2
Menginap pada Mac 2024
Melancong bersama rakan
2 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 6 Apr 2024
房間超級好!! 佈局和大小都很棒,大陽台加無敵海景真的超級加分啊啊啊。早知道多預訂幾晚了,這次衹住了一晚都沒來得及好好享受。 臨走時老闆還給了我名片,和我説下次來時可以打折。非常Nice^^
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Thank you for your nice review. Looking forward welcoming you here again. Best regards Guy Jung
Studio C2
Menginap pada Nov 2023
24 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 10 Dis 2023
Нам очень понравилось! Большое спасибо! Это супер место с очень красивым видом. Свежий ремонт и хорошая техника. Мы обязательно вернемся!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Thank you for your nice review. Looking forward welcoming you here again. Best regards Guy Jung
Pengguna Tetamu
Pangsapuri A2/B2
Menginap pada Sep 2024
Melancong bersama rakan
4 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 11 Okt 2024
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Thank you for your review.Yes we never planed elevator, since we only have 2 floors.Best regards Guy Jung
Pengguna Tanpa Nama
Pangsapuri A2/B2
Menginap pada Jul 2023
6 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 12 Ogo 2023
這家酒店我看評論訂的,結果我覺得好評是刷出來的吧。這家酒店我們連住兩天,這1500人民幣一天的酒店自從我們到達後就開始不舒服的體驗。總結一下1. 酒店沒有電梯,到我們的房間要走四段很陡的樓梯,我們全是女的,帶着四個很重的箱子沒有人主動為我們提箱子,服務員自己走上去了,見我們沒跟上看着他,他才勉強説那我幫你們提一個最小的箱子吧。2. 進門發現整個客廳在入口處滿地都是水,問客服人員,他們説是因為下雨漏水,但卻沒有一句道歉的話,我母親六十多歲了,差點滑倒。3酒店不是每天都有四瓶免費礦泉水,但是第二天都沒有添加,問客服的時候,説你們可以喝冰箱裏的付費水,這讓我真的很生氣,質疑他這不是酒店應該提供的嗎,過了很久客服才回復,好吧,經理説可以給你們四瓶水。4這幾天一直在下雨,我們的衣服都是濕的,晾不幹。出門遊玩前,我們把卧室的空調打開,把客廳的空調關了。不過,可能是空調自己有問題。空調葉片沒有自己關閉,門窗打開着,開着風扇吹衣服。晚上回家的時候,就這麼巧,剛好遇到酒店經理在我們房間裏走來走去,看我們回來還先指責我們沒有關閉空調和打開了窗户。我想説房間付費使用,如何使用空調和開關窗户都是客户的自由,你們種種行為是對客户極度的冒犯。5.酒店出行非常不方便,酒店沒有早餐服務,打車下去鎮上基本200泰銖,離鎮上遠就不説了離海邊也很遠。最後也説一下優點吧,酒店樓頂有一個小遊泳池,視野還不錯。 酒店經理竟然在我們出門的時候在我們房間巡查,還給我們留言指責我們出門開空調與開窗!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Hi, since you blocked both me and Wanna on Wechat, (I don't know why...) I send my answer to your bad comments on Wechat to us.It is weird that when you checked out my staff Wanna asked if everything ok, and you smiled and said yes, but as soon you were sitting in the taxi you did send a bad message.Anyway here the answer I tried to send you on Wechat without getting through. "First of all I want to say sorry that you did not feel well at our place. And let me give you some explications for some of the things you mentioned.1. We do not have elevator. We do not promote elevator either in the platforms.We have 2 !! floors only and there are some few stairs to walk to the lower floor you booked.2. We also are not an hotel, but serviced apartments, meaning we have another property and rules like hotel have.Among this how much water we give for free. This are things we explain at Check In and that is also nothing we promote that there is free water every day. Most customers accept that and when some mean not reasonable, or other reasons I tell my staff to give free.....We do give a fully equipped kitchen for guests (not like hotels).2.About help with luggage, I am sorry for that, but I guess if you just would send a message to Wanna or me, we would come and help you. We try to do help our guests always but often they bring their luggages alone. But it never happens that when someone ask for help, that we not do !!3 About the water outside, sorry for that, but we have been waiting over 2 weeks that the constructor comes and repair. Very annoying for guests when it's raining. But when I meet you at the bbq area ( which hotels also not provide free) you looked quite happy and did not mention anything. Or else I would explain and apologize.4 about the manager walking around in your room....Yes the manager left his home in the evening to bring you new towels that you requested for.The I saw all doors open 2 ventilators open and aircon open in living room. I went turn off aircon and check the bedrooms. All doors open in bedrooms too and ALL aircon on.Aircon in living room was dripping water already..Normally we mention that when you leave door open you must turn off aircon. I don't know if Wanna forgot or you did not understand. Not like a hotel, we give the guests the possibility to cool down the room. In a hotel you have a key holder to open electricity and when you leave it cuts electricity and aircon... (not same our place)When you leave doors open the aircon compressor works all the time to cool the room but impossible when doors open. So it's loosing cooling gaz and at the end brakes down. A compressor like that costs 23.000 baht. In your case it was 3 aircons running. And yes I went in the rooms to turn off and save aircon.I hope you understand that.I did not know how long the aircons wer running and when you would come back.At the End if aircon brakes down you wouldn't be happy if the bedroom not cold at nighttime and would complain too !!So sorry if you feel I did intrude your privacy.Hope this explains a bit and hope you are OK.But feel sorry that you did not feel happy here.And if you feel happy to leave a bad review here it is ok, we do have very many satisfied customers, but you can't make everybody happy.Anyway it was nice meeting you and your daughter and I enjoyed the short time at the bbq.Best Regards Guy"
Pengguna Tetamu
Pangsapuri A2/B2
Menginap pada Jun 2023
Melancong bersama rakan
8 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 9 Ogo 2023
ロケーションは少し山の上にあるため4にしました。 最高のヴィラです。 清潔感は抜群で布団も部屋もすごくいい香りでした。 まて、スタッフのワナさんは可愛いし優しく丁寧に、チェックアウト後はアプリで呼べる安いタクシーを手配してくれました^ ^ スクーターのレンタルもあるので、二台借りて町まで 観光しに行きましたよ^ ^ 数名で割ると安くで泊まれるし、ここはまた宿泊したいホテルです!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Thank you for your nice review.Looking forward to welcoming you here again.Best regards Guy
Pengguna Tetamu
Studio C3
Menginap pada Sep 2024
7 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 1 Jan 2025