Ulasan Home Inn Huaxuan Series - Huaxuan Select Hotel, Ancient Culture Street, Nankai District, Tianjin
Home Inn Huaxuan Series - Huaxuan Select Hotel, Ancient Culture Street, Nankai District, Tianjin
Near the intersection of Zhangzizhong Road and Shuige Street, Nankai District, Tianjin, ChinaLihat Butiran Hotel
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Pengguna Tetamu
Bilik Tidur Katil King Size
Menginap pada Mac 2024
7 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 19 Apr 2024
The location is pretty good. It is connected to the back of the ancient cultural street (see picture). Service and amenities was basic. The cons of this hotel are that one side of the bed had sunk in badly and the kettle had rust on the inside. After accidentally brushing against the tap, i found a false eyelash left by the previous occupant. Probably housekeeping didnt see it as the tap was black. But if you dont mind all these, it is pretty good for the location and price.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear guest, first of all, we are appreaciated with your comments that you mentioned the location and the view. Our hotel faced to the Tianjin famous river and back to the Tianjin traditional culture strret. It is easy to enjoy the culture of Tianjin. Second, we also thanks for your comments about the problems that happened during your stay. We apologized the cleanliness is not that perfect. The training is not in place, we must correct it. Thanks for your real thoughts, and we hope you can come back to see our changes in recently, we welcome you may find some good things next time. thank your very much!
Pengguna Tetamu
Bilik 2-katil dengan Pemandangan
Menginap pada Dis 2023
3 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Disiarkan pada 16 Jan 2024
Nice view,good location,friendly staff,and very easy to find it.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Wow! Seeing your high recognition of us, we would like to give you a big hug. Your appreciation for us will be firmly remembered in our hearts, becoming a driving force for us to work harder and constantly bring surprises to our loved ones.
Pengguna Tetamu
Bilik Queen Superior
Menginap pada Apr 2024
4 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 31 Mei 2024
Great experience and really friendly attention!! Thank you for all the service 🙌🙌🙌
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Hello, Dear guests! First of all, thank you for your affirmation and praise to our hotel, guest satisfaction is our constant pursuit of the purpose, wish you feel the warmth of home! Care as a friend! We always welcome you with enthusiasm and full of spirit! Looking forward to the next meeting!
Bilik Tidur Twin Sleep
Menginap pada Mac 2024
7 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Disiarkan pada 3 Apr 2024
The hotel is located in a very good position, very close to some of the main attractions, the river bank, and a street full of shops and street food. It is not extremely close to any subway station but it can easily reacher by bike or walking. The room was okay for the price I paid, but it was not extremely clean. The water from the shower could not drain properly and arrived on the floor, but the lady at the reception desk was very nice and solved the problem. Also, 3 lights in the room were not working properly, but they didn’t manage to fix it on time. In conclusion, it is a cheap hotel in a good position, and it can be a good choice for those who travel on a low budget.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Dear guest,first of all,thanks for your comments. Our hotel face to the most famous river in Tianjin which has the great view through the windows in the room. Then we sorry about problems happened during your stay. We are going to do the maintenance in periods. Thank you for your good comments,and we all staffs hope you can come back next time to see our chanhes, best wishes from Rujia Huayi hotel.
Bilik keluarga pemandangan tasik
Menginap pada Nov 2023
Melancong bersama rakan
2 ulasan
Luar Biasa
Disiarkan pada 30 Dis 2023
The location is nearby the Ancient Culture street. The view was amazing cause it's facing the haihe river. Access to the city is really near. The staff is amazing and help a lot. My friends and I was having great experience to stay here.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: You are very welcome to travel to China. You are lovely and warm. Welcome to Tianjin.❥(^_-)
Bilik Tidur Katil King Size
Menginap pada Dis 2023
13 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 2 Feb 2024
Clean and close to the city centre. Stuff very friendly.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Thank you for your comments,I'm glad you enjoyed our service。I hope you can come to Tianjin next time,Welcome at any time。
Bilik Tidur Katil King Size
Menginap pada Nov 2023
16 ulasan
Disiarkan pada 9 Jan 2024
Location is ok can walk to walking street about five minutes
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 尊敬的賓客,感謝您的入住與青睞~幸福不在別處,當下即是全部。乾淨利落必須滴!服務必須棒棒噠棒棒噠棒棒噠!本酒店位於市中心,距離各個景點距離比較近,距離車站機場距離也比較近,出行遊玩都很方便。面朝海河,海河夜景盡收眼底,背靠古文化街,感受深厚的文化底藴,和遊客的喜悦感覺,閑暇時光,可以欣賞天津的哏都相聲。人生的快樂莫過於是與最親密的家人一起,攜手共度歲月,體驗生活的美好。就正如我們初次相遇那晚,都給彼此創造了美妙的回憶。傍晚時分,攜手伴侶小童,走在海河邊,吹着海風,欣賞美麗的天津。玩累了就回到房間,休息酣睡,進入美夢。人生沒有不散的宴席,道別不是所謂的離開,只是在一個陽光明媚的早晨裏,將回憶留在了昨天,記在了心裏,共同念想着,下次相遇。發表於:2023-12-02 11:50
Bilik Tidur Katil King Size
Menginap pada Nov 2023
Melancong bersama rakan
1 ulasan
Sangat Baik
Disiarkan pada 23 Dis 2023
It was good.
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: Just keep it simple
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛噠客人,很開心^_^。有時候幸福只是一種感覺,衹要用心感受,就會發現它無時無刻縈繞在我們身邊。酒店位置緊鄰熱鬧的古文化街與美麗的海河,作為天津的特色景區,不僅歷史悠久,而且景色優美,街道也是濟濟一堂。尤其是夜晚來臨,站在房間的落地窗前,廣闊天空的滿天繁星盡收眼底,相信您也一定喜愛這樣迷人的景色。感謝您對酒店的好評,希望您能常來體驗不同季節的美,祝您生活愉快~^ω^。同時,期待下次的相遇哦~^ω^
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的客人,感謝您的入住,好評和推薦!鳥瞰海河,美景盡收眼底。鬧中取靜,白天車輛川流不息,夜晚,寂靜十分,戴個耳塞或降噪耳機有效提高睡眠品質。感謝您的入住與青睞~幸福不在別處,當下即是全部。本酒店位於市中心,距離各個景點距離比較近,距離車站機場距離也比較近,出行遊玩都很方便。面朝海河,海河夜景盡收眼底,背靠古文化街,感受深厚的文化底藴,和遊客的喜悦感覺,閑暇時光,可以欣賞天津的哏都相聲。人生的快樂莫過於是與最親密的家人一起,攜手共度歲月,體驗生活的美好。就正如我們初次相遇那晚,都給彼此創造了美妙的回憶。傍晚時分,攜手伴侶小童,走在海河邊,吹着海風,欣賞美麗的天津。玩累了就回到房間,休息酣睡,進入美夢。人生沒有不散的宴席,道別不是所謂的離開,只是在一個陽光明媚的早晨裏,將回憶留在了昨天,記在了心裏,共同念想着,下次相遇。
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的賓客,感謝您對我們老闆的誇獎以及對酒店環境讚美~世事如棋,人海茫茫,人與人之間能夠相遇相知或是相親相愛,是必然也是偶然。冥冥之中,自有一種説法或叫緣分的東西 (♡˙︶˙♡)~您在眾多酒店中選擇了我們,是您對我們的認可,便是我們之中的緣分。面帶微笑,服務用心,顧客至上,再次感謝您對我們酒店如此的青睞與喜愛,前進的腳步永不停歇,隨時歡迎您再次光臨!祝您生活愉快,再見!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 、 尊敬的賓客,感謝您的入住!非常榮幸可以獲得您的好評。不光炎炎夏日讓人感覺火熱,看到您大大的五星好評更是讓我們內心火熱。酒店營業以來便是以十分的態度與精神去服務每一位旅客,讓客人們入住時也能感覺歸家的温馨。華驛集團近期新推出"森林氧吧房”外觀美,質量好,作用大,對於失眠患者與鼻炎患者非常友善。循環空氣系統提高客房內的空氣質量,可愛的外觀增加趣味性,一舉兩得。‘小身體,大能量’為每一位體驗“森林氧吧房”的客人制造甜蜜美夢,享受安心睡眠。再次感謝您對本酒店的好評,我們會帶着內心的火熱,默默期待與您的再次重逢,祝您生活愉快,再會!
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的賓客,非常感謝您分享入住本酒店的體驗,盡我們所能滿足客人的需求,能讓客人感受到家一般的温暖歸屬感一直是我們酒店的首要目標。(づ′▽`)づ 您的評價讓我們看到我們付出的回報,這是酒店和客人心照不宣的雙向奔赴。這份寶貴的體驗與回憶我們都會珍藏,人生漫長期待我們的下次相遇。 ੭ ᐕ)੭*⁾⁾
Jawapan daripada Pihak Penginapan: 親愛的賓客,前台小姐姐看到了您的表揚和讚美,欣喜之餘,這更是一種激勵,這將是我們努力變好路上的動力。面朝海河,海河夜景美不勝收。養寵物的人本來就很有愛心,我們沒有理由拒絕可愛的寵物。冥冥之中,自有一種説法或叫緣分的東西 (♡˙︶˙♡)~您在眾多酒店中選擇了我們,是您對我們的認可,便是我們之中的緣分。面帶微笑,服務用心,顧客至上,再次感謝您對我們酒店如此的青睞與喜愛,前進的腳步永不停歇,期待,我們在下一個拐角處相遇!