
Things you must know before going to Antalya and sharing four must-visit destinations! In Antalya, it's not surprising to see snow-capped mountains

What's surprising is that the Mediterranean is just below the mountains. The romance of mountains and sea colliding, you will understand when you come to Antalya! My itinerary this time is still the same as the first time I came ten years ago, first to stroll around the old city of Antalya~ Take a break when you are tired, and have a few cups of hot red wine. Hadrian's Gate, located at the entrance of the old city, is an ancient site in Antalya and one of the landmark buildings of the small city. It was built in the second century AD and has a history of nearly two thousand years. Antalya, founded in the second century BC, is located in the south of Turkey~ From the Eastern Roman Empire period, it has been an important port in the Mediterranean, and this status is still the same today. Hadrian is the name of a Roman emperor. In the second century AD, Emperor Hadrian, in order to commemorate his rule over Antalya, ordered the construction of this arch. The name of the arch naturally named after his name. Although it is old, the exquisite carvings on Hadrian's Gate are still clearly visible, and it is a model of existing Roman carvings in Turkey. After strolling around the old city~ Finally, I came to the pier of the old city to watch a sunset, and today's perfect ending! The next morning, I went to the ancient city of Side, 70 kilometers from the east coast of Antalya. This was an important trade center in ancient times. Side (also translated as: Xidai, Xidai, Xidai...) means pomegranate in the local language~ So Side is also called "City of Pomegranates" Side became Persian territory in the sixth century BC, and then became Greek, Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty, Syrian Seleucid dynasty, Eastern Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire territory with the change of times, leaving many ancient sites. As one of the oldest cities in southern Turkey, today's Side is like an open-air history museum, with a large number of ancient Greek and Roman buildings scattered here~ The most famous is the Temple of Apollo and Athena. The temple faces the sea, with tall and elegant five pillars standing~ The temple was built in the second century AD, and it has not been completely destroyed. Many pillar stones have been preserved and re-erected on the original site~ Now it has become one of the most romantic and charming ancient sites in Turkey. Characteristics of Mediterranean climate: hot and dry in summer, mild and rainy in winter. Last time I came to Manavgat Waterfall and River, there was no water, and the water flow in winter is so large! This is a small stop on the way from Side to Aspendos, with beautiful scenery~ It's not bad to take a break! In addition to Hadrian's Gate and the ancient city of Side, the third place not to be missed in Antalya is the Aspendos Ancient Theater built in the second half of the 2nd century AD during the Roman Empire. The entire theater can accommodate up to 15,000 people. It is one of the best preserved ancient Roman theaters in the Mediterranean region. After more than 1700 years~ Now it still holds concerts every year. The unique acoustic design is a highlight of Aspendos. After many years, I am still deeply shocked! The last one is the ancient city of Perga. During the Greek rule in the 2nd century BC, it was once in its heyday~ Perga was one of the richest and most beautiful cities in the world at that time. This magnificent city was famous in history for its architecture and marble sculptures~ Its Roman baths, amazing mosaic floors and horseshoe-shaped stadiums, and the huge theater that could accommodate 12,000 people... Even now, just looking at these ruins, you can imagine its past glory and prosperity.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Mar 25, 2024
Dan on holidays yay
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I'm planning a trip to Antalya, and it was a great help to go to four places.
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