Aurora Harrington

One of the four famous gardens in Lingnan, Dongguan Keyuan, the eight yuan ticket is really worth crying

This month, Yilan went to Guangdong, the main purpose is to collect the four famous gardens in Lingnan (Dongguan Keyuan, Panyu Yuyin Mountain House, Shunde Qinghui Garden, Foshan Liang Garden). The first place to go is the old Dongguan, one of the four famous gardens in Lingnan, Keyuan is hidden in Dongguan city area. Keyuan is divided into two parts, the north gate into the garden first passed through the comprehensive exhibition area, here mainly displays the introduction is the Lingnan architectural features and classic architectural works. Out of the exhibition hall, around the small lake, from here into the Keyuan ancient architectural area. Keyuan was built in the 30th year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty (1850), the owner is Zhang Jingxiu, a Dongguan man who once went to Guangxi to be an official. Because he disagreed with his partner's political views, he returned to his hometown in Dongguan and built this garden. Stepping into the garden, as if through the time tunnel, came to the Jiangnan water town, the garden lake clear, small bridge flowing water, green vegetation, beautiful flowers embellish among them, forming a poetic and picturesque ink painting. Keyuan is famous for its exquisite garden art, the scattered buildings in the garden, such as small bridges, flowing water, pavilions, all show the unique charm of Chinese classical garden architecture. Especially those cleverly designed stone bridges, winding and winding, a step a scene, every place in the walk is worth savoring. In Keyuan, not only can you appreciate the beauty of traditional garden architecture, but also taste the unique charm of Lingnan culture. The buildings in the garden are all integrated with the elements of Lingnan traditional culture, such as brick carving, wood carving and other crafts, making the whole garden present an elegant and indifferent atmosphere. On three acres of land (2204 square meters), houses, living rooms, villas, courtyards, gardens, study rooms, artistically integrated together. Pavilions, mountains and waters, bridges and pavilions, halls and courtyards are all available. Window carvings, railings, beauty leans, even the floor each has its own style. The layout of Keyuan is high and low, everywhere is connected, winding and winding, confusing, after a floor tour, you can also go to the second floor for a tour, then go to the third floor to overlook the whole garden. Keyuan, like an ancient poem, tells the vicissitudes of history in her unique language, recording the development and changes of Dongguan city. In this garden, people can trace the imprint of traditional culture and feel the profound heritage of ancient Dongguan. Keyuan ticket: the comprehensive exhibition part is free to visit, the ancient architectural garden area ticket is 8 yuan Opening hours: 09:30-17:00, closed on Tuesday Address and transportation: 32 Keyuan Road, Guancheng, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province Take multiple buses in Dongguan city area, self-driving north gate has a parking lot. Photography suggestion: Chinese style, new Chinese style clothing or Hanfu are suitable, weekdays are not many people suitable for photography. I am Yilan, a photographer who loves to travel, follow me to explore fun, good-looking new ❤ places ~
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jan 19, 2024
Carol Jai
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