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Puncak Kelir is the part of Kelir Mountain. It resides on 715 meters above the sea level, so it comes with refreshing air and superb panoramas. Even the sea of clouds can be seen clearly during a good weather! As for other views, you can see Merbabu and Telomoyo Mountain. Moreover, Rawa Pening Lake is also seen beautifully from up there. If you come early in the morning, you can witness the stunning sunrise! What about the facilities? There is a gazebo located on the top of it, so tourists can rest and relax while watching those panoramas. Another impressive feature is the presence of a campground located in some parts of the site. Thus, camping is also recommended there. Photography becomes the next reason why many people visiting Puncak Kelir. After all, there is a Pine Forest located near to the site. Plus, the mountainous views welcome everyone once arriving at the top of the hill. For a more stunning panorama, it is also recommended to come at night! The sparkling lights of nearby settlements are seen beautifully from up there. #summervacation#hikingtrails#urbanexplorer
Posted: Jun 30, 2021
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