Bonita9United Kingdom

Seville - it takes your breath away

This beautiful city is located on the Guadalquivir river. Thanks to the many historical highlights, Seville is seen by many people as the most beautiful city of Andalusia and Spain. Conclusion, considering all the Arabic influences, the narrow winding streets, parks and the large historic centre (Barrio de Santa Cruz). Barrio de Triana, a district of Seville Spain is seen as the birthplace of flamenco, the typical Spanish dance and music. Seville is famous for its Mudéjar architecture, which is a mix of Islamic and Catholic architectural styles. After the Catholics defeated the Moors, who had ruled over Seville for more than 500 years, they kept many beautiful buildings intact like the Alcazar Palace. Sometimes they gave it their own Catholic twist, like the cathedral with the Giralda.
Posted: Mar 8, 2023
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