Jiangxi Wan'an 'Flower World'—a dreamlike sensation!

Upon entering the Flower World, the first thing that catches your eye is a colorful, soaring phoenix! Large and small windmills are installed amidst the sea of flowers. When the wind blows, the windmills spin, creating a dynamic view. Coupled with the bright and rich colors of the windmills, which complement the floral landscape, the area is filled with color and vibrancy! Flower World combines 'Flower Viewing Area', 'Cultural Scenic Area', 'Rural Tourism Resort Area', and other leisure agriculture and tourism elements. The park is planned and constructed with twelve major functional areas including colorful flower seas, colorful orchards, colorful rice fields, themed flower streets, and smart gardens. There is also a children's playground for kids to play, where children can spin their dreams and release their joy without leaving the city! Visitors to Wan'an Flower World can look far into the distance and fully appreciate the spiritual beauty of the Ganpo mountains and rivers; they can get a close view of the sea of flowers, wandering in the joyful floral sea; they can concentrate and meditate, close their eyes to listen to the wind, release their spirit, and let their souls soar with the wind. Isn't that exciting? In your spare time, quickly bring your family, loved ones, and friends to share this beautiful scenery together!
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 10, 2024
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Flower World

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