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Trip.Best Popular Night Attractions in Datong [2024]

Explore the best night attractions in Datong! Discover vibrant evening entertainment and stunning nightscapes
Updated Jul 2024
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    720 Review
    "Because I checked a lot of guides and travel notes before I went, I didn't see useful information. The only attraction in this tour that walked 2 kilometers on the wrong road was the ancient city. At present, the charging situation of the ancient city on the wall must be introduced in detail with the friends who go later to avoid everyone taking more wrong roads. The ancient city east and south gates charge 30 yuan for the city, because there is a light show; the ancient city west (Qingyuan Gate) and the north gate are free. There are multiple doors in each direction of the ancient city, and the navigation must choose the right location. I thought that only Donghe South Gate could charge for the wall, and after I arrived at the East Gate, I saw the notice that Xihe North Gate was free. Of course, I had to choose free city access. Gaode navigation searched the west gate of the ancient city and jumped out of the west gate of Yongtai. I followed the navigation. After I arrived, I found that it was the south gate. I also asked about the nearby special police car, the special police was very impatient to tell me that this direction is south, continue to go along the city wall is the west gate. I just walked, because there is no bus line between the two doors, there is no shared bicycle in the ancient city, the taxi is too close, and I walked 1.4 kilometers. I wasted my physical strength walking along the city wall. I finally got tired after climbing the city wall and couldn't walk anymore. There is a bicycle rental in the city, and the charging standard is unified for 90 minutes and 40 yuan without bargaining. I went to the wall at 7:30 in the evening. The southeast side was closed because of the light show and could not pass. Considering that it takes only half an hour to ride a bicycle, 40 yuan is not worth it, and it is too far to go to the north gate. It can only be up and down the west gate. There is no regret for turning around the city wall. I hope that later friends will see this article and plan in advance, and I wish you a pleasant journey."
    Datong.Ancient City Tourist Cultural Area
    2.1km from downtown
    Highlights: The ancient city wall of Datong was built in the fifth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty. A major feature of the Datong city wall is that the outline is like a gear, the pier is protruding, and the trapezoidal structure is a special shape for the fortification of the Datong city wall. The existing ancient city wall was built on the basis of the old cities of Han, Wei, Tang, Liao and Yuan in the fifth year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (1372). . The city walls are all based on regular and well-organized stone strips, slabs and stone cubes, rammed with "three-in-one soil" and covered with blue bricks. The city wall is 14 meters high, 12 meters wide at the and 18 meters wide at the bottom. It is 6.6 meters wider than the Nanjing city wall. There are 62 gates, turrets and watchtowers on the city wall. There are four city gate towers, of which the south gate tower is a three-story building with a width of 61 meters and a depth of 23.35 meters. Four corner towers stand on the four corners of the city wall, especially the northwest corner tower, which is octagonal and called the dry tower. Among the 54 watchtowers, the Hongzi Tower is the watchtower, which is rare among other ancient city walls. At the same time also built 96 nests. About 40 meters away from the wall, there is a moat, 10 meters wide and 5 meters deep. There is Wengcheng outside the four gates, with a construction area of about 17,600 square meters. The Moon City was built outside the Weng City, and the Weng City was surrounded by a city gate. In this way, there are three door cards to enter and exit Datong City. There are also "arrow towers" or two-story "plaque towers" on each gate. The city has four gates, the east is called Heyang, the south is called Yongtai, the west is called Qingyuan, and the north is called Wuding. The watchtowers, turrets, gate towers and arrow towers on the wall stand at intervals. The moat suspension bridge, Wengcheng, Yuecheng, Guancheng, and Ercheng are heavily guarded. The city walls are tall and majestic, sturdy and steep, with tight defenses and perfect facilities. Because it occupies a very important position in the northern frontier defense and has played an important role in many battles, it has always enjoyed the reputation of "a strong town" and "the key to the north". A special feature of the Datong city wall is that its outline is like a gear. There are fifty-two protruding piers in total. It has a trapezoidal structure with a bottom length of about 23 meters, a length of about 20 meters, and a area of 400 square meters. Corner pier: slightly taller than the watchtower. Outside the four corner piers, each has a military control platform (or Wangjuntai), about 16.6 meters wide, about 15 meters long, and about 66 meters away from the corner piers. meters, and the pedals are connected to the city wall. A special shape for the fortification of the Datong city wall.
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  • top_2
    447 Review
    "After Ctrip booked the ticket, I directly swiped my ID card to enter the park. The Daiwang Mansion is a large house that has been built a few times. Although it was built later, it is quite large. Every time I enter the yard, there are different performance programs, especially the immersive experience drama "Datong in the World" at 8 pm. It is very exciting and worth seeing."
    Datong.Ancient City Tourist Cultural Area
    2.1km from downtown
    No. 6 of Best Things to Do
    Highlights: 【Introduction to Daiwangfu】Zhu Gui, Prince of Dai, was the thirteenth son of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty. His mother was Consort Guo Huifei, and his principal wife was Consort Xu, the daughter of Xu Da, the Prince of Zhongshan. He was one of the nine princes who fought against foreign invaders.The "Nine Frontier Kings" refer to the vassal kings appointed by the Ming Dynasty to guard the frontiers and expand the territory. From east to west, they are the King of Han, the King of Shen, the King of Liao, the King of Ning, the King of Qi, the King of Yan, the King of Gu, the King of Dai, the King of Jin, the King of An, the King of Qin, the King of Qing, and the King of Su. Under the general environment of the initial political situation in the early Ming Dynasty, these vassal kings were responsible for guarding the frontiers, protecting the country and repelling the barbarians. It can be said that the first generation of "Nine Frontier Kings" was a luxurious facelift of the Ming Dynasty. Among them was "Yan King" Zhu Di, who ascended the throne through the "Jingnan Campaign".Datong, where King Dai was stationed, was the core of the "Nine Frontier Cities" and the gateway to protect the capital.Dai Wangfu is the residence of Zhu Gui, the Dai Wang of Ming Dynasty. It is located in the northeast corner of Datong Ancient City, facing south and in a rectangular shape. It was a high-ranking and large-scale palace complex in Datong City in Ming Dynasty. It was also the carrier of the patriarchal hierarchy and feudal etiquette of the country at that time. 11 Dai Wangs successively managed government affairs here, carrying extremely rich historical and cultural information.The Dai Palace was built in 1392 AD (the 25th year of the Hongwu reign). It was built by Dai Prince Zhu Gui on the basis of the Xijing Imperial Academy of the Liao and Jin Dynasties. It was basically completed in 1396 (the 29th year of the Hongwu reign), which took 4 years to complete. The main buildings on the central axis are Chengyun Hall, Cunxin Hall and Changchun Palace.The entire palace complex is large in scale, majestic, magnificent, with deep palaces, scattered houses and winding corridors. The Dai Palace was built based on the Nanjing Ming Palace, with reduced regulations, and strictly in accordance with the construction principle of the capital in "Zhou Li·Kaogongji" of "front court and back market, left ancestor and right community". In terms of architectural layout, the entire palace is combined into a whole with the techniques of shape changes and ups and downs. Functionally, it conforms to the hierarchy of feudal society. At the same time, it achieves the artistic effect of left-right balance and shape changes. As a structure, there are many memorial archways in the palace, including "Qin Cheng Shang Ming Shi Shou Dai Bang Archway" on the east side of the door and "Tian Huang Zong Di Qin Fan Archway" on the west side of the door. The memorial archways are tall and majestic, showing the majesty of the palace. The entire building complex is connected by corridors and courtyards, with scattered houses, front halls and back bedrooms, two side rooms, deep palaces and winding corridors. It is a large-scale and well-planned prince's residence. As a prince's residence, the Dai Wang Mansion is unprecedented in scale. It is not only the largest princely palace complex in the Ming Dynasty, but also a witness to the entire Ming Dynasty's frontier legend.【Performance Introduction】The performances at the Dai Wangfu are still mainly based on the "Great Harmony in the World" series, retaining the "Municipal Customs and Folk Customs" series that was widely acclaimed during the Spring Festival, and creating a new "Ming Dynasty Style" series, which includes a main show "Great Harmony in the World", 16 supporting shows, and 24 small theater shows.In the "Great Harmony of the World", you can immerse yourself in the integration of the Han and the Hu peoples in the border areas of the Ming Dynasty, the exotic customs and the tense confrontation between the military strongholds. Jinyi arrests, military garrisons in the nine border areas, imperial concubine selection and palace fighting... The one-hour main show and five supporting shows make you not only an audience but also a part of the show."The Glory of the Ming Dynasty" is a brand-new performing arts series this year. With 10 wonderful programs, you can see the flying apsaras on the murals, royal banquets, the royal son-in-law, the royal love, as well as drumming, lion fighting, on-site scientific expeditions by Liu Bowen and Li Shanchang, the founding heroes of the Ming Dynasty, and the patriotism of the nine important towns. There is also a colorful light show that lights up the night sky of the Dai Palace."Municipal Folk Customs" presents 24 wonderful plays in a very down-to-earth form. "Two hands dance with each other to tell the history of the past, and a curtain of lanterns hides the Spring and Autumn Period," a shadow play tells a century of history; "The three-foot stage is a play in the palm of your hand, and ten fingers are intertwined with sorrow and joy," a puppet show goes through all kinds of life; shuttles between reality and fantasy, and switches between art and magic, an ancient magic trick encompasses everything in the world; rooted in the folk, but also a universal language of the world, an acrobatic performance of the art of body language.
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What are some Night Attractions in Datong?
Some Night Attractions in Datong include:Datong Ancient City Wall, Prince Dai Residence
What are some highly-rated Night Attractions in Datong?
Some highly-rated Night Attractions in Datong include:Datong Ancient City Wall:4.5, Prince Dai Residence:4.5
At what locations in Datong can Night Attractions in Datong be found?
The Night Attractions in Datong are mainly located in:Datong Ancient City Wall:Datong, Prince Dai Residence:Datong