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cai hong xi gu huan le shi jie

1 Ulasan
Ruang Permainan Kanak-kanak
Buka Dibuka pada 09:00-17:30
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:3-4 jam
Nombor telefon0412-8050300
Ulasan pelancong:

The attitude of the ticket office is very cold. The first time I came to ask more about the package, I was very impatient. The package I bought was 128 people. One of them had the ghost of the castle. The child was 5 years old and 7 years old. When I touched the bed, I didn't bring socks. I told me not to buy socks. I couldn't get in, but there were four children on the bed without socks. The staff said that I went to let them out (what operation is this) The first game when I entered the door was the grass boat borrowing arrow archery. We didn't open the door at around 9 o'clock. We played before going out. The result was 12 o'clock. I didn't open it. I asked the conductor to call on the spot (reported that there was rain today and didn't come) It was during the event arranged by others. The conductor's attitude was very clear. We didn't take the initiative to ask someone. We didn't take the initiative to contact the staff to open the door. We just had to say that we didn't know how to ask. We should wait. Very poor experience.


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