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fei yue chang bai shan

48 Ulasan
Buka pukul 09:00-18:00 hari ni
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:0.5-1 hari
Nombor telefon0433-5936011
Ulasan pelancong:

In the legendary town of Changbai Mountain at the foot of Changbai Mountain, this is a Changbai Mountain flight theater integrating modern advanced technology and primitive natural charm. Here you can see the endless mountains and the rivers and rivers of Changbai Mountain. Sitting in the theater and climbing high, Sometimes dive down, these are all from 4D panoramic demonstration, Changbai Mountain Protection Development Zone Legendary Culture Development Co., Ltd. Operations Director Zhao Yiru: "Our project took two years, and then asked the British shooting team to shoot, it is a flight yard of the ball screen, naked eye 4d, Then we overlook the scenery of Changbai Mountain all year round through this perspective of Haidongqing. Assuming that some tourists come to Changbai Mountain and don't see Tianchi, we can make up for it through our naked-eyed 4d flight theater, and then see the scenery of Changbai Mountain all year round.

Jimat 6

Cadangan Berhampiran fei yue chang bai shan

Ulasan fei yue chang bai shan: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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