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Yiwulü Mountain

333 Ulasan
berdasarkan pada 24 ulasan
PergununganTapak BersejarahKuil
Buka Dibuka pada 08:00-16:50
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:3-4 jam
Yiwulv Mountain, Yixian, Jinzhou, ChinaPeta
Nombor telefon0416-6612558
Ulasan pelancong:

On May 1, the mountain was not high as a whole, with a peak of more than 300 meters, near the glass bridge. Anciently called Weiqian, Wuqian Mountain, now referred to as Lushan. According to legend, the country was divided into twelve states. Each state sealed a mountain as a state's town mountain, that is, the place to sacrifice the ancestors. Lushan was sealed as the town mountain in the northern Youzhou. There are many places of interest and monuments on the mountain. Since Liao and Jin, there have been constructions here in all generations. The Liao Dynasty is expected to have Haitang; the Jin Dynasty has Xuanyan Temple and Shengjian Pavilion; the Ming and Qing Dynasties have Yuquan Temple, Qing'an Temple, Lingshan Temple, Yunyan Temple, Juzhanting, Lanxiu Pavilion, Huixian Pavilion and so on. Wanghaitang is built on the main peak of the medical witch Mount Wanghai Mountain. According to the documents, this is the reading place of the eldest son of Liao Taizu and the East Dan King Yelubei. It is said that when the weather is sunny, you can see the Bohai Sea from here. In the valley to the east under Wanghai Mountain, there are Xianling Mausoleum of Yelubei, the Dongdan King of Liao Dynasty, and the Qianling Mausoleum of Jingzong Yeluxian. Guanyin Pavilion is called Qing'an Temple in the south of Wanghai Peak, and it was renamed in the early Qing Dynasty. There are front halls, main halls and east and west halls. There are strange peaks and strange stones around, and the pine and cypress are beautiful. The pavilion contains the three-character stone of the "Holy Water Basin" of the Emperor Qing Qianlong and the stone carving of the pavilion. After the pavilion enters the mountain, along the stone road, the inscription between the rocks gradually increases. It is said that Emperor Qianlong once Qinling "Eight Views of Lushan": Daoyin Valley, Shengshui Basin, Peach Blossom Cave, Lugongyan, Wanghai Temple, Kuangguan Pavilion, Wannian Song, Yanbei, etc. are all in this area. Qin Jin Dynasty Princess Xiao (1000-1069), that is, Xiao Yanyan, the father is the central envoy of the northern prime minister - Ma Duyu - Yuning, the mother is the Wei princess longevity slave (that is, the second daughter of the emperor Jingzong, the sister of the emperor Shengzong).

Jimat 5

Cadangan Berhampiran Yiwulü Mountain

Ulasan Yiwulü Mountain: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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