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long teng wen quan du jia cun

29 Ulasan
Kolam Air PanasTempat Peranginan
Ditutup Hari Ini Jam operasional 09:00-18:00
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:0.5-1 hari
Nombor telefon0421-2871111, 0421-2921000
Ulasan pelancong:

It was really fragrant. When I went to 5.1, I didn’t know where to get the sweat clothes. I asked the staff impatient and didn’t talk like someone owed her hundreds of millions. It is estimated that there are too many people. Every hot spring pool has a lot of people. There are people sitting next to the pool. There are many people in the spa area. I am not willing to experience it. The water park is full of children, afraid that they will not go to them, the indoor hot spring leads to the outdoor, there are wet bath towels used by others, and it is super cold when you go out. The whole process is only outdoors. There is no place to rest on the 2nd floor. The sofa bed in the cabin hall is full. The buffet on the 3rd floor has no drinks and meals. The bath has to be queued up. The toilet has to be queued. The female bath is all a little boy brought in. I met a man who looked more than ten years old and brought in. The experience was particularly bad at that time, so I didn’t comment that this time I was with my parents. I came in the off-season on Thursday. Someone greets and welcomes you when you enter the door. The door will remind you to be careful of the steps. The pool wants to soak which bubble is which. The family is too comfortable to soak together. There are no babies in the water park. Adults can indulge in fun. The high slide is very fun, because there are few people and the water is not always open. I want to play specially for me to open it. There is a rescue brother next to each project. There are also bath towels, hair dryers, and self-services are also fresh. Finally, when I took a shower, I asked if I wanted to dry the swimsuit. I accidentally broke my knee to ask for a paper towel. I want to wipe it. Tell me that a nurse took me to disinfection again. The service was so intimate that it was perfect in all aspects. It was close to home. I didn’t have to go to the hot springs in the field. I planned to come once a week.


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Ulasan long teng wen quan du jia cun: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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