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Mengwaitan Resort

973 Ulasan
Taman TemaStudio Filempemandangan malam
Buka Dibuka pada 13:00-21:00(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 20:30)
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:2-3 jam
233 Dudu North Street, Hengdian Town, Dongyang City, Jinhua CityPeta
Nombor telefon0579-86547189
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20240517 All day: 1. Dream Bund is a replica version of the old Shanghai Beach built by Hengdian Film and Television City. It was built in 2019 and covers an area of about 33.3 million ㎡. During the Republic of China (1912-1949), the buildings were scaled up. The 34 landmark buildings on the Shanghai Beach were copied 1:1. The night scene is especially filmed. The performance programs are wonderful. Many foreign actors highlight the magical style. The scenic spot is composed of Bell Tower Square, Tibet Middle Road, Zhongshan East Road, Fantasy Paradise, and Jinhua frigate 5. It is a good place for viewing photography, humanistic learning, ancient costume photo, performing arts appreciation, couple dating, parent-child walks, and is also one of the commonly used sceneries for film and television dramas. Filmed "1921", "Longma Spirit", "Revolutionary", "Rebels" and other film and television dramas, often encountered the crew on the way to play. ① Address: No. 233 Dudu North Street, Hengdian Town, Dongyang City, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province ② Transportation: direct bus, easy to drive ③ peak season: no ④ Time: 7 hours ⑤ Ticket price: 190 yuan 2, the Bell Tower Square is located in the northeast of the scenic spot, is the welcome square after entering the main door, the prototype is the clock tower of Shanghai Old North Station, The stage downstairs has dances at 13:30 every day, divided into 3 sessions, the first is 4 Chinese modern girls dancing, 5 minutes; the second is the Chinese cheongsam show, 5 minutes; the third is Russian men and women singing and dancing, 3 minutes. This area also has: ① East Gate (main gate): The scenic spot only opens at 13:00. Outside the door there are Western-style carriages, Jiefang 0924 dream Bund old locomotive, dock porters and other bronze sculptures. The public toilet outside the door is hung with photos of locomotives from all generations of China ② Maritime Foreign Goods Museum: The first building on the right hand side after entering the main door is a replica version of the "Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce". The interior is a museum, divided into 5 parts of the west wind and east wind, the sea wind and the sea, the magic capital Qizhen, the foreign field man dance, and the floating life. Showed the representative foreign goods of old Shanghai during the Republic of China, including furniture, wine utensils, watch machinery, musical instruments, etc. Tianmu Street: the welcoming street of the main door, the top of the screen will change various patterns. Every day at 13:10, the welcome performance is a cheongsam beauty, Russian young men and women, axe gang, etc., and the dance is on the scene for a total of 5 minutes. After the end, the main street will be lined up on both sides, and there are actors played by vendors, couples, entertainers, students, police, Saxophonist waiting on the street to walk around the street, restore the street view of Laoshang Beach, tourists can take photos with them at will, very sensational ④ tram station: Laoshang Beach tram is an iconic landscape of the scenic spot, and the tram shuttled to the scenic spot is very sensational ⑤ Broadway Building/Charlie Hotel/Russia Mansion: a mid-to-high-end hotel in a row, the entrance faces the scenic spot, and the back faces the scenic spot as a street view. 3. Tibet Middle Road is the east-west main road on the north side of the scenic spot. This area has: ① Shanghai World: The first floor is a variety of mid-to-high-end shops, there are intangible experience - Shiyan (gifts, drinks shops), Traditional pear paste sugar (non-legacy), etc., in front of the store is the next station of the tram project ② Post Museum: It is just a graphic introduction of China Post's history hanging on the window, and the internal ban on entering the ③ Mengxiang film scene... The number of words exceeds the limit, continue in the last picture

Jimat 16

Cadangan Berhampiran Mengwaitan Resort

Ulasan Mengwaitan Resort: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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