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Zaomu Mountain

42 Ulasan
Ditutup Hari Ini Jam operasional 08:30-16:00
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:4-6 jam
092 Zaomu Mountain Scenic Area, Zaomu Mountain Forest Park, Yanghe Town, Gaoming District, Foshan CityPeta
Nombor telefon0757-89932129, 0757-88851551
Ulasan pelancong:

20240123 morning: 1. Zaomu Mountain is a famous mountain on the outskirts of Foshan City. The main peak is 805 meters above sea level. It is the first peak of the city. It is known as one of the "Foshan First Peak" and "Foshan New Eight Views". Because the mountain is similar to the pen frame of ancient readers, it is also called Bijia Mountain. It is the Pearl River of the Communist Party of China during the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War. The base area of the guerrilla group and the Guangdong China Column. The scenic spot covers an area of 13.3 square kilometers, integrating mountaineering fitness and viewing photography, and consists of three areas under the mountain, mountain road, and terraces. ① Address: Yanghe Town, Gaoming District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province. ② Transportation: Direct bus access, easy to stop by car. ③ peak season: no. ④ time: 4 hours. ⑤ fare: 30 yuan. 2. The forest along the stream walking path under the mountain is closed and the water is flowing. When you walk to the mountain road, you will pass through: ① Sakura: covers an area of 20,000 ㎡, there are more than 500 cherry blossoms. The cherry blossom season is in 2-3 month, and it is still relatively sporadic. ② Changshou Spring: The land icon was not found, and the staff said it was dry. ③ Changshou Pavilion: Sijiao Pavilion, next to the cross-river arch bridge. ④ Waterfall Pavilion: Sijiao Pavilion. ⑤ Flutters: low waterfalls: low waterfalls, so the land often evaporates in water mist, and you can suddenly see the waterfall after you hear the sound, so it is named. ⑥ World affairs are like chess: there is a chessboard inscribed on the big stone. ⑦ Zhuhai Poetic: bamboo forests on both sides repair bamboo, the charm is long. It covers an area of 6.66 10,000㎡, and maintains the original local single bamboo variety. ⑧ Benevolent Leshan: "Benevolent Leshan" stone carvings, and there are various "mountain" written from ancient times. ⑨ Fairy Cave: The small cave formed by natural large rocks is very shallow and more like an eaves. It is named after the ancient times when Taoists practiced here. 3. The mountain road is2.4 kilometers long, and there are 6666 steps. The front is slow and steep. It will pass along the way: ① Foshan's first ladder starting point: there are purple flowers on the tree in the front section of the road, which is quite beautiful. ② Juyun Pavilion: Four Points Pavilion, covering an area of 10㎡. ③ Duoqi Pavilion: Sijiao Pavilion is exactly the same as Juyun Pavilion. It is the intersection of Kengmei Pedestrian Road and Highway Mountaineering Road, and there are 1300 steps from the peak. ④ Half Jiu Pavilion: Four Jiaotong Pavilion is exactly the same as Juyun Pavilion and Duoqi Pavilion. It is the cold wave, and there will be smog up. ⑤ Foshan's first ladder end. ⑥ Soap Curtain Lingyun: The top of the mountain observation deck, there is a "Foshan's first peak" stone monument on the platform, next to the monument is a small Buddha who worships the mountain god. There is a blessing card on the tree at one end of the platform, and the original glide base at the other end, it seems that it is currently closed. The fog can't see anything that day. ⑦ Mountaineering Avenue: The other road where the motor vehicle is driving, the distance is longer than the pedestrian road, the wind is hovering, and it will pass through a highway arch bridge, one side is the forest and the other side is the cliff. There is a shuttle bus directly to the top of the mountain, but the departure time is long. The latest bus is 15:30 in the afternoon, and the fare seems to be 50 yuan. 4. The terraces are in Kengmei Village outside the scenic spot. It only takes 1 stop by bus and walks about 2 kilometers. There is an octagonal grass pavilion on the terraces, which overlooks the terraces. The viewing angle is better, but the terraces and the creeks cannot be framed because they are not high enough. The terraces are more ordinary in winter, and the value is higher in summer and autumn. 5. It takes 4 hours to end the tour. It is still early, and I temporarily went to the hotel near the hotel.

Jimat 7

Cadangan Berhampiran Zaomu Mountain

Ulasan Zaomu Mountain: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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