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chao ji ge le li ya fen hong cheng bao

3487 Ulasan
Buka Dibuka pada 10:00-20:00
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
Nombor telefon17621859865
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If you are here to take pictures, it can be recommended. In fact, it is a photography base, there are two studios, artificial scenes, and various places are very popular. But in addition to taking pictures, there are no other entertainment projects, and you can go shopping in half an hour. There is nothing to eat inside, a bar, there are a little snacks inside, but the price is small. But if you are not in a hurry, you can order a little snack, sit down leisurely, and sing a few songs you like. Suitable for young people, or come with girlfriends who love to take pictures. If it is a parent-child tour, it is not recommended. After all, the ticket for 20 people, no matter the size, you will feel that it is not worth it.

Jimat 175

Cadangan Berhampiran chao ji ge le li ya fen hong cheng bao

Ulasan chao ji ge le li ya fen hong cheng bao: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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