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Nine Creeks in the Misty Forest

774 Ulasan
Buka Dibuka sepanjang tahun, 24/7
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
The end of the 18th section of South Jiuxi, Longjing Village, Xihu District, Hangzhou (near Jiuxi Road)Peta
Nombor telefon0571-87977767, 0571-86591494
Ulasan pelancong:

Walking in the spring tea season, the lion peak mountain, Yulongjing took a look, along the way, the most wonderful part of the emperor green lake water, beautiful can not believe. Always upward, I arrived at the tea garden of the tea farmers in Longjing Village, and there were tea pickers picking. After going down the mountain, Longjing brewed a cup in Mingqian, and the spring was included.

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