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Zhinan Village

84 Ulasan
Padang BerteresKampung Purba
Buka Dibuka sepanjang tahun, 24/7
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:0.5-1 hari
Zhinan Village, Taihuyuan Town, Lin'an City, HangzhouPeta
Ulasan pelancong:

This time, the people of the whole country have been out to find a place with less scenery in the surrounding area. It is not easy to find a friend. Fortunately, it is recommended by a friend|Guide Mountain ^ The actual test is very good. First of all, if you are around Hangzhou, it is really convenient. Guide Mountain is located in Lin'an District, Hangzhou. This distance itself In fact, it’s okay, but everyone knows the traffic during the festival. From the magic capital, I properly experienced a nine-to-five and surprised myself. Secondly, although most homestays are full, but in fact, the comfort is still very high. There is no crowding situation. The last scenery is really good. Invincible scenery, pleasant climate, great

Jimat 30

Cadangan Berhampiran Zhinan Village

Ulasan Zhinan Village: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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