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zhang yu dao you le yuan

3 Ulasan
Taman Hiburanpemandangan malam
Buka Dibuka pada 09:00-21:00(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 19:30)
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:2-5 jam
Nombor telefon0451-55552555
Ulasan pelancong:

A very satisfying trip! The Dolphin Fort octopus Island joint ticket bought by is more than 20 cheaper than the regular price, but it takes an hour to enter the park. The Dolphin Fort Water Park that I played first, except for the drifting pool water is a bit dirty, the remaining hot spring pool and wave pool water are very clear, there are many facilities for children to play, there are free bath towels, a deposit of 60 yuan, but the buffet lunch is not satisfactory, there are many types, but the taste is average, But it's okay to eat. I went to Octopus Island at 6 o'clock in the evening. It is said that it is a newly opened venue. The environment is very clean. The daughter of bumper cars and small planes likes it very much. It is as unlimited as the publicity. There is also a small beach. We went a little late. My daughter didn’t play on the beach when she was closed. The octopus slide and rainbow slide upstairs are very fun, there are few people after six o'clock, and I have a great time!


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Ulasan zhang yu dao you le yuan: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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