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Ha'erbin Tianheng Mountain Ski Field

136 Ulasan
Ski Luar
Temporarily Closed Waktu buka TBD
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:0.5-1 hari
Nombor telefon18845188848, 18846188858
Ulasan pelancong:

Two big and two small, the first time skiing, bought 4 full-day tickets, arrived at 11 o'clock, the ticket inspection and pick up things have been an hour, after entering, the adults did not slip directly to withdraw the things to change to snow boots to accompany the children, the children are very savvy, will soon slip, we are from the south, Adults with children to accompany them to slide do not need to ask a coach, adults do not wear skateboards directly snow shoes to accompany better, coach a bunch of two hours a person 500 two people 1000, from the time of ticketing, the time is too short and the price is low, the two children play until three o'clock very happy, It was a bit late. In fact, it should be replaced with a 3-hour ticket. The slope is slow and more suitable for the first groping without learning skiing.

Jimat 22

Cadangan Berhampiran Ha'erbin Tianheng Mountain Ski Field

Ulasan Ha'erbin Tianheng Mountain Ski Field: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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