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Daci Cliffs Scenic Area

1637 Ulasan
berdasarkan pada 9 ulasan
Dibuka pada 08:00-16:00(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 16:00)
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:2-3 jam
330 National Road, Jiande City, HangzhouPeta
Nombor telefon0571-64549418, 0571-64549279
Ulasan pelancong:

There are not many people, the scenery is good, the incense is strong, and the New Year's Eve is climbing 👍🏻 near Jiande to find a scenic spot to play, but I have received an unexpected surprise. The ropeway up the mountain ➕ walks, and the slide down the mountain ➕ walks. The combination of labor and leisure is more interesting. I didn’t expect the slide to be quite interesting, the slope is steep, and there is a small stimulus. It is best to be a big person in front of the team. When you are afraid, you can control the speed of the overall team. The legs are separated and affixed, the shoes are topped, and the hands are tight. In short, use the body to increase friction everywhere. Don't use your sleeves. There's no protection here.

Jimat 80

Cadangan Berhampiran Daci Cliffs Scenic Area

Ulasan Daci Cliffs Scenic Area: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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