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Mengbabalanaxi Dance Show

118 Ulasan
Buka pukul 18:00-20:30 hari ni(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 19:00)
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
Gaozhuanxijingshanlin Theater, Jinghong City, XishuangbannaPeta
Nombor telefon0691-2120100, 0691-2121133
Ulasan pelancong:

The red carpet and welcoming ceremony reflect the respect and enthusiasm of every audience. The strong voice of the male host and the gentle smile of the female host have added a lot to the show. The actors have carefully interpreted the national spirit and national culture, and the small acrobatic performances are even more surprising. Interactive entertainment allows audiences to experience unprecedented pleasure.

Jimat 18

Cadangan Berhampiran Mengbabalanaxi Dance Show

Ulasan Mengbabalanaxi Dance Show: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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