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Gansu Science and Technology Museum

41 Ulasan
Muzium Sains & Teknologi
Jam operasional 09:30-16:30
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:2-3 jam
Jindu Plaza, 365 Wudu RoadPeta
Nombor telefon0931-6184266
Ulasan pelancong:

Gansu Science and Technology Museum is located at No. 568 Yin'an Road, Anning District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province. The appearance and shape combine the regional cultural elements of Gansu and modern technology design concepts. Take the subway directly. Gansu Science and Technology Museum is displaying the theme of "experience science, understanding innovation, harmonious development". The exhibition hall is divided into functional areas such as the preface hall, atrium, permanent exhibition hall, temporary exhibition hall, giant screen/4D two-in-one theater, ball screen theater and scientific practice and experience center, academic report hall. Among them, the permanent exhibition hall includes Gansu special exhibition hall, smart park exhibition hall, science and technology and life exhibition hall, enlightenment and exploration exhibition hall. The exhibition hall covers life science, information technology, basic science, aerospace science and other disciplines. Make full use of modern high-tech means to display scientific laws.


Cadangan Berhampiran Gansu Science and Technology Museum

Ulasan Gansu Science and Technology Museum: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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