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Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole

1 Ulasan
berdasarkan pada 83 ulasan
Ditutup Hari Ini Jam operasional 8:00-16:00
Jl. Raya Tangkuban Parahu No.Km.8, Cikole, Kec. Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40391, IndonesiaPeta
Nombor telefon+62 22 82782441
Ulasan pelancong:

Cikole Graphic Tourism Terminal is a tourist spot, restaurant and lodging in Lembang which is at the foot of a mountain with an altitude of 1400 meters above sea level. The cool air with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and the hilly contours of the Graphic Cikole Tourism Terminal area surrounded by pine forests in an area of ​​9 hectares is a tourist spot in Bandung Lembang that is right for holding outbound activities for families, agencies, schools and families.


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