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Dawa Mountain

12 Ulasan
PergununganDek Tinjau
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:2-3 jam
Jinkouhe District, Leshan CityPeta
Ulasan pelancong:

With Emei Mountain, Wawu Mountain and known as the "Three Musts in the Langzhong" Dawa Mountain, located in the Jinkouhe District, Leshan City, Sichuan Province, at an altitude of 3236 meters, looking like a giant boat, the scenery is amazing and extremely spectacular. From Jinkouhe District, you can cross the Dadu River Canyon along the Provincial Highway 306, or you can follow the Lexi Highway around Dawa Mountain. The scenery along the way is different and unique. There are five Dalian pools in the scenic area, including Datianchi, Xiaotianchi, drychi, Gaoliangchi and fishchi. They are distributed in a band-like manner, like five jasper pieces scattered among the world. Now they have been unified into a free Dawashan National Wetland Park. In this park located in the mountainous area on the southwest edge of the Sichuan Basin, the wetland landscape is rich, and it is a well-preserved "natural ecology museum" and "wildlife gene bank". Looking at Dawa Mountain from afar, like a sudden sky pavilion, and like a stack of tiles on the top of the mountains, it echoes Wawu and Emei, and becomes a three-footed trend. After the American explorer Berber climbed Dawa Mountain in 1878, he called it "the most magical natural park in the world." The mountain is surrounded by cliffs ranging from 800 meters to 1600 meters, only the Rolling Dragon Gang at the northern end can be connected to the top of the mountain through wooden ladders, and compared with the "one road from ancient Huashan", its steepness is as steep as ever. The basalt and dolomite piled up by the eruption of the Paleozoic volcano are covered with the top of the Dawa Mountain, as well as the preserved glacier valleys, ice buckets and other ancient glacier landforms, which are amazing everywhere.


Cadangan Berhampiran Dawa Mountain

Ulasan Dawa Mountain: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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