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Zha Yebasi

29 Ulasan
Buka Dibuka pada 9:00-17:30(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 17:30)
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1 jam
Dagze, Lhasa, Tibet, ChinaPeta
Ulasan pelancong:

I am not a cultural researcher at Zayeb. For the beauty of Tibet, I am shallow and floating on the surface. I am greedy to put the blue sky and white clouds into my eyes. I am crazy to absorb the clean air of this land. I know half a thing about the temple, but I want to write this evaluation to everyone who does not know the scenery of Zayeb. I am suspended. Zayebah Temple on the cliff is shocking. I didn't calculate the altitude accurately, but climbed to the top of the temple 4600? There should be a cloud on a cloudy day. You can see clouds and mists on the mountainside. The weather I went to was great! Sunny! At the foot of the mountain, I went to see the whole Zayebah Temple. It was very steep and climbed step by step to the top. In the process of climbing, I stopped at will. It was a scenery that made me full of praise. There was a large grassland next to Zayebah Temple. Tourists or local Tibetans set up tents and paved the way for Linka parties. Watching the sunset, blowing the evening breeze... Temple prayer wheel grassland prayer tent sunset... beautiful to suffocate time I didn't arrive at the grassland, that's a pity, but I believe I will return to this place to pay attention: 1. 40 tickets, locals do not need tickets 2. The altitude is a bit high, the mountain road is a bit steep. When you enter the temple with an oxygen cylinder, take off your eyes and hats to show respect. It is best not to wear shorts and skirts...

Jimat 2

Cadangan Berhampiran Zha Yebasi

Ulasan Zha Yebasi: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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