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tian sheng qiao

4 Ulasan
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Guizhou Daqikong Scenic Area is located in the southern part of Guizhou Weibo. It is a scenic spot with virgin forests, canyons, volleys and underground lakes. Upstream in the Daqikong Scenic Area, we are greeted by a long canyon, where dangerous cliffs are stacked and cliffs stand. Walk slowly on the winding plank road to enjoy the deep scenery of the canyon. Even if the weather is clear, the plank road is wet. After walking about 1 km on the plank road, you will come to the natural bridge. The natural bridge is about 73 meters high, about 15 meters thick and about 22 meters wide. This natural bridge is known as the "Oriental Arc de Triomphe". You can't help but admire the magic of nature's ingenious work!

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Cadangan Berhampiran tian sheng qiao

Ulasan tian sheng qiao: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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