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Tianzhong Cave

58 Ulasan
Tapak GeologiGua
Temporarily Closed Waktu buka TBD
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
In Xiaoqikong Scenic Area, Libo Scenic Area, next to Mengliu Town, Libo County, Qiannan PrefecturePeta
Nombor telefon0854-3516116
Ulasan pelancong:

Tianzhong Cave is named after the giant stone mantle that is shaped like a big clock in the cave. The cave is828.5 meters long and38.2 meters deep. The cave was originally formed in the New Near Age (23.3 million years ago): Early in the underground river passage of the lower reaches of the Yellow River. The cave is in a state of water filling: in the middle of the river, due to structural uplift, the river cut down, the cave becomes an underground river channel in the Wuhu slope valley. Turns to a semi-filled state; in the late stage, with the structure further uplift. The river continues to cut down.


Cadangan Berhampiran Tianzhong Cave

Ulasan Tianzhong Cave: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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