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xiong chu mo tan xian le yuan

16 Ulasan
Buka Dibuka pada 09:30-21:30(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 21:00)
Nombor telefon0576-89399991, 400-166-0006
Ulasan pelancong:

Experienced it, very fun, not the same as the general park, it is open, eating and drinking are affordable, recommended to play: 1 If you don’t want to buy a ticket, come to the block, many beautiful scenery can punch in, and bears haunted cute dolls, many performances, cruises, very rich, Inside, with girlfriends and friends, eating and shopping, and bar 2 with children, recommended the bear in the adventure park, a ticket, can play more than 10 projects, all children play, the park and the block can be worn back and forth, there is also the bear two burgers on the outside block, the beef burger is delicious, There is also Xiongxiong Paradise outside, etc., all at a cheap price, the children are very happy to play 😁


Cadangan Berhampiran xiong chu mo tan xian le yuan

Ulasan xiong chu mo tan xian le yuan: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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