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Linyi Museum

42 Ulasan
Jam operasional 09:00-19:00(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 18:00)
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:2-3 jam
No.10, Lanling Road, Beicheng New District, Linyi CityPeta
Nombor telefon0539-8600220
Ulasan pelancong:

The museum series continues, this time taking everyone into the Linyi City Museum in Shandong Province. Linyi is famous for the old Yimeng District and the spirit of Red Yimeng. The melody of "Who doesn't say that the hometown is good" and "The melody of Yimeng Mountain Minor" can be said to be familiar. But in addition to being a red holy place, Linyi is also a historical city, from the Stone Age to Qin and Han, from Sui and Tang to Ming and Qing Dynasties, has always had a place in history, Zhuge's, Yu Wang's, etc. have led a while. 🌟 Highlights: The new museum of Linyi City is located on the shore of Wuzhou Lake in front of the city government. It adopts the shape of four giant books superimposed, with a strong three-dimensional sense. The layout of Linyi Museum: There are four floors, and the main cultural relics are on the first and second floors. The exhibition hall of the Han portrait stone on the first floor is absolutely not to be missed, especially the large-scale portrait stone tombs such as Wubaizhuang and Wulibao in the late Eastern Han Dynasty on display. The magnificent, gorgeously decorated and beautifully carved. Wubaizhuang fusion of people and animals made me think I was watching ancient Greek sculptures. The second floor of the museum introduces the history of Linyi in time, with the structure and pottery of prehistoric pottery, pottery unearthed during the Dawenkou cultural period, pottery unearthed during the Longshan cultural period, and the egg shell pottery boutique display. In particular, black pottery is definitely an outstanding display of ancient craftsmanship. 👍 Most recommended: The "Jin Wii Yu cover" unearthed in the West Han Tomb of Hongjiadian, Nanfang Town, Linyi City, was made of 1140 jade pieces worn by gold threads, and an earlier set of "Jin Wii Yu clothes" was found in China. The Jin Dynasty Hu people riding lions, bronze Hu people riding lions, bronze phoenix and bird incense stoves, chicken head pots unearthed in the Jin Tomb of the wash basin are all national treasures. These are absolutely not to be missed.

Jimat 3

Cadangan Berhampiran Linyi Museum

Ulasan Linyi Museum: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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