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Baoen Temple

21 Ulasan
Buka Dibuka pada 6:00-17:30
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
Puti Road, Tianmuhu Town, Liyang City, Changzhou CityPeta
Nombor telefon0519-87980201
Ulasan pelancong:

This is the famous temple of Xiangyang - Bao En Temple. The name of Bao En Temple is taken from the "Buddha Says the Heart Viewing Sutra" and the "Da Convenient Buddha News Sutra", which reports "Parents, Animals, Land, and Sanbao". The temple was built during the Southern Dynasty Liangwu Emperor's Tianjian years (502-519 AD), and the temple was originally located in the old county village 25 kilometers northwest of Xiangyang City. After several times, the temple was renamed after the destruction of the name. In 1994, the temple was moved to Tianmu Lake, making full use of the natural environment of Dongling Mountain on the shore of Tianmu Lake, and built into a new Baoen Temple with the architectural style of the Thai monastery of Xiaocheng Buddhism and the cultural characteristics of China's Mahayana Buddhism. The architectural layout of Baoen Temple is still traditional Chinese style, sitting north and south. The main hall is built along the central axis, with mountain gates, heavenly kings, Guanyin Temple, Daxiong Temple, Jialan Temple, Thailand Tongfo Temple, Jade Buddha Temple, etc. There is also a double-sided gold-plated Guanyin in the pool outside the temple. Baoen Temple, from the surrounding landform, like a Taishi chair, the back of the mountain is like the back of the Taishi chair, and the mountains on both sides are like the armrests on both sides of the Taishi.

Jimat 19

Cadangan Berhampiran Baoen Temple

Ulasan Baoen Temple: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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