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Pingqiao Stone Dam

39 Ulasan
Projek Penjimatan Air
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
Pingheng Line, Pingqiao Village, Tianmuhu Town, Liyang Shi, ChangzhouPeta
Ulasan pelancong:

As a free attraction in Xiangyang, I think it is worth visiting. Although it is a man-made dam, it still looks quite impressive. Especially when the water volume is sufficient after the rain, the effect of the small waterfall is still relatively obvious. [Strong] Climb up the steps and walk on the long dam corridor. It is a bit magical. There is also a small road through the promenade to see the scenery of the reservoir. There are villagers living in it, and there are pickings in the season. Downstream is a long corridor, the forest oxygen bar is worthy of the name, the air after the rain is refreshing, children can also play by the stream, it is fun


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Ulasan Pingqiao Stone Dam: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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