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Mengshan National Forest Park

14 Ulasan
Dibuka pada 08:30-17:00(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 16:00)
Ulasan pelancong:

Beautiful natural scenery, rich history and culture, wonderful amusement projects, abundant material resources, typical ecological environment, convenient transportation conditions, Mengshan has become a typical representative of the good scenery in Yimeng Mountain, the core scenic spot on Yimeng tourism route. Mengshan, anciently known as "Dongmeng" and "Dongshan". Located in Mengyin County, southern Shandong Province, the east and west Xionglie, stretching for more than 100 miles. The main peak is about 1156 meters above sea level, the second highest peak in Shandong Province and the highest peak in Huaihe River Basin. Ecological Mengshan, beautiful and strange. Mengshan is rich in natural resources and has a forest coverage rate of 98%. In 1994, it was rated as a national forest park by the Ministry of Forestry. The negative oxygen ion content in the air is about 1 per cubic centimeters, ranking first in the country, and was first known by experts as "natural oxygen bar", "forest bathing area" and "super clean area", becoming China's "best green fitness resort". Move to change the scenery, four seasons change scenery: spring forest and sea flower tide, summer waterfall waterfall, autumn red leaves, winter jade ice sculpture. Mengshan, Qifeng towering, layered green, good waves deep, majestic, since ancient times have "72 peaks", "999", "36 caves" of the victory, especially the beautiful mountain landscape and virgin forest style for the world praise.


Cadangan Berhampiran Mengshan National Forest Park

Ulasan Mengshan National Forest Park: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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