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Masai Village

72 Ulasan
Padang rumputBandar PurbaPerkampungan
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:0.5-1 hari
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Kenya is also a plateau country, from the hot country by plane, as if from the hot summer suddenly to autumn, the climate here is pleasant, people call it "Little London", not only the weather, many buildings are the same as the British islands of Europe. This is a beautiful country, and an economic backward country under the mad pillage of the British colonists. The lives of the Kenyan people are very difficult. The people here have no home to talk about. Seeing the situation here can be asserted, The colonists had no pity or sympathy for the Negroes. But many Negro friends did not see the problem through, had fantasies about the old capitalist countries, were prone to superficial phenomena, and were fantasised by some politicians in those capitalist countries. African people need their own efforts to live a good life, and through hardship and twists and turns, they will have a better future.

Jimat 13

Cadangan Berhampiran Masai Village

Ulasan Masai Village: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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