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pan jin yi ke ya xie xie wang guo

19 Ulasan
Taman Tema
Buka Dibuka pada 09:30-17:00
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:0.5-1 hari
Nombor telefon18730455058
Ulasan pelancong:

There is an electric car rental at the door 🛵 but I really don't want to rent it. There is no need to ~ because it is not far away and it will not be very tired to walk! And every place has to play, the interval is very close to one ride and one stop, but it is very troublesome, the price is also very expensive 25/half hours, how to play 2~ 3 hours, if you have a meal, it will be longer, the fare will be several times more expensive than the ticket. Sisters with children can rent a baby artifact if they are afraid of being hugged. This is still more reasonable 10 yuan/hour (I forgot whether it is half an hour or 1 hour). We did not rent. My daughter walked by the roadside and took pictures without shouting tired or asking to hug. Then she walked along the road and played. All items can be played and there is no limit! This is really cool ~ Individual projects are that each ticket can only be played once, but they are all adults. The go-kart is very enjoyable. My husband used the tickets of our two people to open 2 laps. The baby can play without any additional charges. Just play 💛 There are nostalgic toys and snacks from childhood in the 80s and 90s. Old black and white TV 📺, Xiaobawang game console, chua pig's paw, chua Zier, popping glass ball... Hahahaha can understand, it is also very interesting

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Ulasan pan jin yi ke ya xie xie wang guo: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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