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sha mei sheng tai wen ming cun

1 Ulasan
Kampung Purba
Buka Dibuka 07:00–00:00 (hari berikutnya)
Ulasan pelancong:

Really beautiful countryside, like a paradise ticket: free transportation: first, you can choose to drive by yourself is the most convenient, second, you can take the high-speed rail to Boao Station high-speed rail station, and then take a taxi to Shamei Village. The fare is about 25 yuan, but it will be slower to take a taxi from Shamei Village. It is recommended to make an appointment in advance to return by car. Accommodation: There are many homestays in Shamei Village, and the style is quite unique. The Qionghai Overseas Chinese Residence I chose for the first time is really good; There are also folk customs in the impression of Shamei. The large glass floor-to-ceiling windows inside are also the choice to try to stay. The folk customs in Shamei's impression are like a small villa in a house. It is comfortable to eat and eat: there are restaurants, the price is more normal to play: strolling in such a beautiful village is a kind of enjoyment. Empty yourself properly is also the greatest reward for your body.

Jimat 1

Cadangan Berhampiran sha mei sheng tai wen ming cun

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