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Skydive Boao

29 Ulasan
Terjunan Payung Terjun
Ditutup Hari Ini Jam operasional 09:00-17:00(Waktu masuk berakhir tamat pada 17:00)
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
Nombor telefon18684005585
Ulasan pelancong:

The coach gave a huge sense of security, thank you very much! Personally think that the free fall stage after the cabin feels the most wonderful: gravity and air buoyancy are acting on the body at the same time, and the infinite view of the high altitude is on the one hand; What the eyes see, what the body feels, and what the brain needs to deal with are very strange information, so there is no sense of fear. Due to the fast descent, the left ear feels a little pain and disappears after landing. The landing location is in Jade Belt Beach, and the sand is very soft.

Jimat 12

Cadangan Berhampiran Skydive Boao

Ulasan Skydive Boao: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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