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Sculpture of Kiss of the Century

6 Ulasan
Seni bina Moden
Buka Dibuka sepanjang tahun, 24/7
Masa bersiar-siar yang disyorkan:1-2 jam
Port of San DiegoPeta
Ulasan pelancong:

On the green lawn of the military port of San Diego stands a huge sculpture of the "Kiss of the Century", which is a handsome sailor affectionately kissing young nurses, deduced the ecstasy of the American people after the war. [Fun] This sculpture is moving, such a romantic and affectionate sculpture, no matter how old or young, will stop and look up, take a photo with this sculpture. From the sculpture itself, there is nothing special, and the artistic conception is not ingenious, but from the effect of sculpture creation, the "kiss of the century" is poured for the world, the history is condensed in the fixed grid, the romance highlights the times, and the taste is in the past. [Cost-effective] This kind of sculpture is really rare, it can be called a classic.

Jimat 3

Cadangan Berhampiran Sculpture of Kiss of the Century

Ulasan Sculpture of Kiss of the Century: Petua Setempat dan Pengalaman Daripada Pelawat

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